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The 5 Stages of Getting Lost in Mac-Corry

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

1. False Sense of Confidence

On the Thursday of my first week of class, I walked up to the dreaded Mackintosh-Corry Hall for the first time. I had heard horror stories from my friends about how it took them almost 20 minutes to find their class in the most confusing building on campus, however, I was determined that this would not be the case for me. I knew the room number of my class and I figured that if I could navigate any other building on campus, I could easily find my class here.


2. Acknowledging Some Difficulty

Wow these hallways are really long. After about five minutes of aimlessly wandering down a few hallways, I came to terms with the fact that I would be late for the first meeting ever for this class. Yet, I was still determined that I would find my class soon enough and that it really wouldn’t be a problem because the rest of my class was probably just as confused as I was.


3. Realizing You Are Completely Lost

After another 10 minutes of roaming the mysterious winding halls and walking up and down more staircases than I can count on one hand, I finally decided to look at a sign with the room number on it next to the door to figure out how far away I was from my class. I soon realized that I was on the fifth floor; my class was on the second floor. I started to panic. This was the point when I realized that I might not make it to my class and my scared little frosh self did not handle this well.



4. Coming to Terms With the Fact That You Are a Failure

How am I supposed to survive the rest of university if I can’t even find one freaking classroom? I knew that I should’ve gone to the campus tour during frosh week instead of tanning at the pier. What if I never find this class, will I automatically fail if I never go? Of course, I will; it’s a tutorial where my presence is actually required. My parents will be so disappointed in me. How am I supposed to tell everyone that I flunked out of university because I never found my tutorial. What if I can’t even find my way out of here? Will my friends know to come look for me up here? Of course they won’t, because I’m in the equivalent of Siberia in Mac-Corry.



5. Eating Your Feelings at Pizza Pizza

After another 20 minutes of navigating Mac-Corry, I ended up right where I started: at the entrance of the building. I was distraught about missing my tutorial until I smelled the all too familiar, welcoming smell of Pizza Pizza, and I knew that everything was going to be okay. So instead of continuing my expedition to find my class, I decided to treat myself to two slices, which I could now buy with my never ending supply of free money also known as flex dollars. (Mom if you are reading this I have now realized the hard way that this money is not free, can you please reload my card?) At this point, I felt as though all of my problems were through, well, that is, until next week …

Out here living my best life