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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

Although I hate math,

I think we sort of make friends like it,

add, subtract, divide, and multiply aspects of who we are,

and look at how our individual geometries




My friends and I,

all have

different geometries.


We all possess secrets like an optical illusion,

are prudent

like right angles,

yet wild

like dynamical systems,

compliment each other

like symmetry,

go hand-in-hand

like parallel lines,

have arguments and conflicts

like the perpendicular ones.

And best of all,

we all have

different dimensions.


Some with loud, angular edges,

and others with incommensurable lengths,

but somehow

all their geometries

end up

fitting with mine.

Chloe likes freaking out over dogs on the street, eating, traveling, and lifting more than your boyfriend.