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10 Gifs from “Stranger Things” That You Can Relate To

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Queen's U chapter.

1. When you’re at the club with your girlfriends and a group of guys comes over to try and cramp your style.


2. When you’re out shopping and wonder why on earth Christmas lights are already up when it’s not even Halloween yet.


3. When you know you look awful today and your best friend tries to assure you that you look great.


4. Going into a mid-term be like:


5. Realizing you’re the queen of over-sleeping and taking lengthy naps are starting to look a little like this:


6. When you’re all out of groceries and have to find some sort of sustenance.


7. When you’re sitting in a lecture and nothing makes sense to you.


8. When you’re stalking someone on Instagram and accidently hit them with that double tap.


9. When your friend asks you if you are still seeing the guy she told you not to see anymore, but you still are so you are all like:


10. When the deadlines start piling up and you cannot cope.




Chloe likes freaking out over dogs on the street, eating, traveling, and lifting more than your boyfriend.