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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

Want to have the biggest summer glow-up, but you don’t know where to start? Well, you’re in the right place. 

As mentioned in previous articles, a glow-up is not just external. You need to work on your internal self to have an external glow-up. There is nothing like “pretty privilege” or only hot girls can have a “hot girl summer”. Being hot means being confident. Here are the 5 things you need to work on externally to feel like your best self. 

  • Having fitness goals: Having goals for what you want your body to look like is the first step to feeling your best self. Now, don’t set very high standards, and try to be realistic. If you are skinny, you’re not going to get an hourglass body in a week, and vice versa. Your body goals are unique to you. Don’t try to fit beauty standards because they keep changing. You do you. Incorporate movement into your body every day, it’ll make you happier
  • Skincare: Glowing skin gives glowing confidence. Build a morning and nighttime skincare routine and do it every single day. If you think you look good on the outside, you will feel better on the inside. 
  • Haircare: Everything with your looks could be amazing but if your hair looks bad, it will hide all that away. Having healthy and silky hair is what every girl wants. Hot girl summer means having voluminous thick hair that shines in the sun.
  • Makeup: It is not necessary or even good to put on makeup every day. But, if you do good skincare, it’s okay to put on makeup. Use it to enhance your features. Use it to make yourself look bronzed and summery.
  • Fashion and styling: Again, do not look at the standards set in society for this. Wear what you feel comfortable and stylish in. Wear colors that complement your skin tone. Wear styles that go with your body type. Wear what you think is different for you or you will be part of the crowd. 

Once this is in place, let’s work on you internally. You just need 3 things in place to be able to glow from within. 

  • Detachment: Stop giving any thought or effort to anyone or anything but yourself. You need to stop caring about people’s needs, people’s thoughts about you, and other people in general. This is your life. Nobody is going to solve your problems except for you. So, save that energy and use it on YOU. Building indifference will make your overthinking leave the chat. 
  • Goals: Have a vision. Have goals for yourself. If you want a hot girl summer, you need to have passion for it to happen, you will have something to work on constantly and you will never be bored. The reason why you are overthinking is that “an empty mind is a devil’s workshop”. Manifest your dream future and make that your reality. 
  • Abundance mindset: We always think we need something. In this case, you think you need a “hot girl summer”. I want you to imagine you already have it all. The skin, the hair, the body. Believing you already have it will make you closer to it every day. The fact that you don’t need anything proves that you aren’t desperate and that you believe you have it all. “I don’t chase, I attract” is exactly what you need to do.

This is your guide. Don’t just read it for the sake of it, use it to guide you toward becoming that girl this summer. 

Anaaya is student majoring in PR and strategic communications with a minor in psychology at purdue. She loves fashion, social media, photography, and is an aspiring digital creator on instagram. She is a sucker for mental health awareness and loves being an unpaid therapist. You can never go against her devouring love for The Weeknd, Drake, and Travis Scott.