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Stephanie Starleaf: She’s For The Kids

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

Name: Stephanie Starleaf
Year: Senior
Major: Nursing
Hometown: Carmel, IN
Student activities: Alpha Gamma Delta, Purdue Student Nurses Association
Plans after graduation: My dream job would be to work for Riley, but right now I am just hoping to get a job!
Her Campus: When and how did you get involved with PUDM?
Stephanie Starleaf: My high school participated in a dance marathon for Riley Children’s Hospital, so I knew about it coming into college. FTK, or ‘for the kids’, is really why I do PUDM. It is a great cause and it is so rewarding. I became a dancer my sophomore year and I joined a team with my sorority and absolutely loved it. Hearing the Riley stories, making memories with friends, and learning an awesome Morale dance has kept me coming back each year.
HC: What is your role in PUDM?
SS: I am member of the committee Riley Development, or Riley D. We act as the liaison between the marathon and the dancers and the Riley families. Each committee member has one or two Riley families that we stay in contact with in the months leading up to the marathon.  There are several events that we plan before the marathon in order to get to know the families, such as Riley Family day. At Riley Family day we took our families to sororities and let them tell their story and hang out with the members. We then got to sit in the front row at the Purdue volleyball game against Ohio State (we won!). At the marathon, we have a tent devoted to the Riley families. There will be activities such as face paint, story time, and dress up. It is also a great place for the dancers to play with the Riley children and hear more about their stories. 
HC: We’ve heard that last year you were the highest fundraiser for the entire event. That’s awesome! How did you go about achieving this goal?
SS: I sent out personal emails and letters to my family and family friends. I told them that with their donation I would pledge to remain on my feet for the whole 18 hours.  I also explained that their donation would go to the Cancer Center and Camp Riley. The more personal the letter the better, because if you show that you are truly passionate about helping the children through PUDM most people will give some type of donation.
HC: What would you say to someone who’s interested in getting involved with Dance Marathon but just doesn’t know how?
SS: It’s easy! Simply go to http://www.helpmakemiracles.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.eventDetails&eventID=841 and click register! I would recommend finding a friend to join you if you can! The marathon is on November 19-20 from 6 pm to 12 pm. If you can’t make the marathon, then be sure to donate! PUDM is a great way to have fun and help others in the process!
HC: What happens at Dance Marathon? What kinds of activities are there?
SS: Where to start! I will just mention a few because surprises are best part! Certain hours have different themes where there will be a competition for best-dressed/most creative costume (they are pretty awesome this year!!). There will be live bands, such as Straight No Chaser and Mirror Men.  Bruce Barker (aka the Piano man), from the Neon Cactus will be there also. In order to keep our energy up throughout the night, local restaurants will provide food. Also, throughout the night Morale will teach the dancers the morale dance. After the marathon, any time I hear one of the songs from the dance, I have to break out my Morale dance moves. Most importantly though, Riley families come and tell their story to help the dancers stay motivated. 
HC: For you, what is the most rewarding part of being involved in Dance Marathon?
SS: Being able to see the Riley Kids have fun with all of the dancers and hearing the Riley stories is my favorite part of the marathon. The stories I have had the opportunity to hear are so inspirational and they remind me to never take anything for granted.  One of the families has come the past two years, and no matter how many times I have heard their story, I always start crying because that Riley kid has been through so much and is so strong. The dancers and the Riley families are all part of the PUDM family and we are all there to support each other. Also, seeing the total amount we raised at the end of the marathon is so rewarding. Knowing the amount of families that will be helped with the money is just an amazing feeling that always makes the 18 hours completely worth it.
HC: Any favorite PUDM memories?
SS: One of the Riley kids last year was awesome at 4-square. A bunch of the dancers played with him for over an hour at like 11 o’clock at night, and we were not even letting him win but he was still kicking our butts! Also, South Jordan came to play at my first marathon. My friend Chelsi and I saw them come in and decided immediately that we had to be in the front row to hear them play. Even though we did not know a single song we danced our hearts out, and even got free CD out of it! Finally, I love learning the Morale dance. Every year it reminds me that I have no dance skills what so ever, but it doesn’t matter because everyone is just having fun with it!

HC: Any closing words?
SS: Register for PUDM!!! It’s For the Kids (FTK, FTK, FTK!)

Amanda Norell is a junior at Purdue University where she is working toward a communication degree, supplemented by an art and design minor. A true Midwesterner, Amanda was born in Chicago and raised in northern Indiana, just minutes from the Michigan border. In addition to being Purdue's Campus Correspondent, Amanda is also a junior board member on Liberal Arts Student Council, a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, and has both edited and written for The Exponent, Purdue's independent daily student newspaper.  She has held internships in both event planning and career development, and has her sights set on becoming an event and wedding planner after graduation. She cannot get enough of campus in the fall, crepes from Greyhouse, Urban Outfitters, and simply lovin' life.