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Silent to Be Heard: AIDS Awareness Week at Purdue

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.


This week was AIDS Awareness week at Purdue. The theme this year was Silent To Be Heard. AIDS is a disease that was not always talked about. The disease was originally thought to only effect gay men and drug users. It wasn’t until almost five years after the medical community learned about AIDS that the federal government acknowledged the disease.

The Purdue LGBTQ Center is sponsored a series of events, the highlight event being Cleve Jones speaking on “Stitching a Revolution: Cleve Jones and the AIDS Memorial Quilt.” The AIDS Quilt, which was co-started by Jones, is now one of the largest pieces of folk art in the world. Each panel of the quilt was made in remembrance of someone who died of AIDS and was made by the friends and family of the person. Purdue is lucky to have several panels on display at the Purdue Memorial Union, room 118.

Purdue students and community participated in many of the following events throughout the week:

On Nov. 26th at 5 p.m., there was a march from the Purdue Bell Tower to the Black Cultural Center. At the Black Cultural Center, refreshments were served to those in attendance.

On Nov. 27th at 6 p.m., there was a lecture, Religious Communities and the Global Response to HIV/AIDS – A Conversation Circle, held at the Chapel of the Good Sheperd.

On Nov. 28th at 6 p.m., “We Were Here”, a documentary, was be shown and a discussion was held at the Pride Lafayette Community Center

On Nov. 29th from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., The Black Cultural Center hosted a health fair.

Finally, on Nov. 30th, was the Silent to be Heard day of action. Students and community members wore red to highlight Purdue’s commitment to developing students that understand and are aware of HIV/AIDS.

Throughout the week students can take a “Vow of Silence”, a verbal and/or social media silence for a minimum of eight hours, by liking this event at http://www.facebook.com/silent….


Sources: http://www.purdue.edu/newsroom/releases/2012/Q4/creator-of-aids-memorial-quilt-to-speak-at-purdue-on-nov.-29.html

Photo Credit: http://www.aidsquilt.org/

Leta is a senior at Purdue University studying Retail Management with a Certificate in Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Leta is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha and is obsessed with her sisters. An avid shopper and fashionista, Leta spends her time working as an Assistant Manager at Twenty Ten Boutique on Purdue's campus while managing their social media campaigns. Leta started writing for Her Campus Purdue in April of 2011. It was because of her extreme enthusiasm and passion for Her Campus that she was promoted to Purdue University's Campus Correspondent in January of 2012.