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I’ve Found Heaven in Conan Gray’s Newest Album

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

Breaking News, we have been graced with a new Conan Gray album! Gray released, Found Heaven, on April 5th and it is already on track to be one of his most popular albums. As a hard core, OG Conan Gray fan I am happy to report that this album did not disappoint. This past year, Gray has been exploring a different style of music, very different from his typical sad, gut wrenching, tear-jerking lyrics and sad melodies. Instead, he kept his gut-wrenching emotions, but added a funky beat. Found Heaven is definitely for the girls who need to dance out their emotions. Here are my favorites from Gray’s newest album.

  1. “Forever With Me”: As I’ve said, I am an OG Conan girlie and this song feels like an OG Conan song. It is such an emotional song. It transported me directly into my emo area. I love all of the emotions that were brought to the surface and all the nostalgic vibes it brings as well.
  2. “Winner”: This is another song that reminds me of Gray’s previous albums especially Superache. Conan sings this song with such passion and emotion that it’s difficult to not get wrapped up into the melody. 
  3. “Alley Rose”: Becoming very popular on Tik Tok for its unforgettable bridge(currently screaming it as we speak), I was very nervous how this song would sound. Safe to say, I am obsessed with this song. I have even gotten my younger brother to add it to his playlist. If that doesn’t speak to the power of this song, then one listen of the bridge should tell you that this is one of Conan’s best songs. 
  4. “Bourgeoisieses”: The only way I can explain this song is just silly, goofy and I’m in love with it. This song is just so much fun, silly and the beat is such a bop. I can guarantee that this song was immediately added to my dance playlist the moment I heard the first few beats.
  5. “The Final Fight”: This is another song that I find reminds me of an older Conan song, but has a much stronger mature tone. The lyrics hit so close to home that I definitely found myself tearing up. It is almost as if Conan is speaking directly to me and helping me see situationships in a healthier way.
  6. “Killing Me”: I’m such a sucker for songs that sound like a summer night and then when you listen to the lyrics you realize, oh, this is a sad song. This is very much reminiscent of Conan’s earlier songs in the album Kid Krow
  1. “Fainted Love”: I can not help but dance everytime this song comes on. I love how this song takes over my brain and perfectly captures my emotions. Everyone has had a ‘fainted love’ situation right?? Not just me?
  2. “Eye Of The Night”: I constantly find myself belting out the chorus of this song. While I’m obsessed with the chorus, the rest of the song is just kind of plain, but I still find myself dancing in circles when the beat drops.
  3. “Found Heaven”: My first time listening to this song, I thought it would end up in last place. But after listening to it again, I paid special attention to the lyrics and realized that Conan is actually magical. These lyrics are so powerful and I love the message he is singing about.
  4. “Boys and Girls”: This is a very dance pop song, another chorus I find myself seeing constantly. But other than that, it’s just kind of plain. I’m still crazy obsessed every time it comes on, but let’s just say I’m not skipping through the album to hear this one especially.
  5. “Never Ending Song”: I will be honest when this one was first released in May of 2023, I was so disappointed in the new sound Conan was trying. I have grown to really like this new Conan sound and this song has definitely grown on me. I even catch myself randomly singing it throughout the day in the middle of my lectures. 
  6. “Lonely Dancers”: This is a very upbeat song and was another Tik Tok favorite but unfortunately this song just doesn’t do it for me, no matter how catchy. 
  7. “Miss You”: I will never call a Conan song a flop….that being said, this one is really not a bop in my book.

Many, many thanks to Conan Gray. I am so excited to continuously listen to this album for a few months and hopefully be able to sing them with him at his concert beginning later this year!

Kendell is a writer at the Her Campus Purdue University chapter. She's been a part of Purdue's Her Campus chapter since fall of 2023. Her favorite topics to write about include entertainment, the music industry and about her favorite experiences around campus. Beyond Her Campus, Kendell is a freshman at Purdue University, majoring in Communications with a minor in History and Creative Writing. Originally from Noblesville, Indiana, she grew up visiting West Lafayette and loves the student life. In her free time, Kendell enjoys listen to music especially Taylor Swift. She is also really into reading and loves to talk about her latest reads, majority of which involve romance. She loves to bake and back home is known for her banana bread muffins, coffee cake and chocolate chip cookies.