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Bid Day 2
Bid Day 2
Anna Thetard / Her Campus
Life > Experiences

How to Survive Sorority Recruitment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

Sorority recruitment has been a very trendy topic recently because Tik Tok has been taken over by Rush Tok. Girls have been gaining a lot of attention for posting their insane rush outfits and GRWMs each day of recruitment. It’s no secret that the whole recruitment process is tough and not for the weak. Being on both sides of recruitment is hard and extremely draining, so I’ve come up with some survival tips to help everyone get through this long process.


Okay, don’t hate me for this. I know it’s so cheesy, but it’s so true I have to mention it. You have probably heard this 1,000,000 times as a PNM (potential new member), but if you stay true to who you are during the entire process, you will end up in the house you’re meant to be in. Houses appreciate everyone’s uniqueness and differences so embrace yours. You will not be happy with where you end up if you put on a front during recruitment. It’s also pretty obvious most of the time when a girl is just answering questions the way she thinks they should be answered. I know Bama rush Tik Tok has made everyone think that to get into a sorority you have to have all expensive designer clothes and jewelry. This is so far from the truth. A house that only values money and material things is not worth joining (if it even exists). Don’t stress about this, instead dress however you want to dress. Again be yourself in every way and trust your gut! I can’t stress this one enough.

  1. Don’t rehearse conversations, let it flow naturally

Nobody wants to have the same robotic conversation over and over again all day long. As someone who has spent the last two weeks recruiting girls, I can immediately tell when the PNM  comes in with rehearsed conversation points. It makes the conversation feel awkward and it’s difficult to get a good idea of who we are really talking to. You don’t want to be boring and rehearsed because you won’t stand out. The girl you are talking to will be very appreciative if you take a deep breath and just relax. Let the conversation flow and have fun with it. Remember you are talking to a real girl that is trying to get a picture of who you are, so don’t stress too much.

  1. Don’t stress about ending up in a “top house”, keep an open mind

It can be super tempting to have an end goal or house in mind when you are going through the recruitment process and it’s easy to fall into the spell of a “top house”. I remember stalking the sorority instagram’s and labeling certain houses as “top houses” in my head when I was a clueless PNM. After being in a sorority for two years, I can safely say there is no such thing as a top house. Every house brings something unique to the table. Sure some houses party more, others have better grades and focus on academics, some have a super tight knit sisterhood, while others are super sporty. I’ll say it again: every house brings something unique and special to the table. This doesn’t make one house better than the other because the truth is regardless of what house you end up in you will make an amazing group of friends and be okay.

  1. Be nice to EVERYONE

Being genuine and nice is so important. Give everyone and every house your best shot. Everyone talks and if word gets out that someone was rude or uninterested at a house, other houses will find out and nobody wants that attitude in their house. In addition to houses communicating, Gamma Chi’s (recruitment group leaders) hear everything. They have the ability to report a PNM for being rude or talking poorly about a house. If you don’t think you would fit into a particular house that’s totally fine and will happen, but do not be mean or let that show. This time is so crucial, so just be nice and friendly to everyone because everyone deserves your 100%.

  1. Talk to your Gamma Chi or recruitment group leader

When I was a PNM I was so nervous to talk through my thoughts and opinions with my group leader, but please take advantage of them if you are struggling. The Gamma Chi’s are only there to help. They want everyone to be happy with their final decision, so reach out if you are feeling lost about anything recruitment related. Gamma Chi’s will send out their phone numbers and are available pretty much around the clock to answer questions, talk things through, or give their guidance. Rush is extremely stressful and hectic for everyone. It’s normal to need a shoulder to lean on or need some advice, so do not be afraid to ask for it. Your recruitment group leaders will appreciate your vulnerability and help you navigate your way through this crazy process. They signed up to be a leader for this exact reason. They just want to help. Don’t be afraid to take advantage of that!

I sincerely hope that these tips will help. I wish all PNM’s the best of luck and encourage everyone to follow this survival guide. Get excited to find your new home away from home and meet a ton of amazing girls that will build you up!

Tori Rytell is the events director at the Purdue University chapter of Her Campus. She serves as the club treasurer as well as the events coordinator. Tori writes about a variety of topics with focuses on self-care, beauty, entertainment, and relationships. Aside from Her campus, Tori studies political science and business communications with a minor in law and society. Tori is involved in Greek life on campus. In her free time, Tori loves to take her dogs Stella and Max on long walks, watch Netflix reality TV shows or Suits, and spend quality time with her friends.