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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

Figuring out the best way to organize your music library on Spotify is no easy task. With hundreds of songs either liked or saved, it can be hard to compile them into certain categories and genres. Here are some tips and tricks in organizing your Spotify playlists to better fit your music needs. 

1. Keep it short. 

This rule applies to practically everything. When categorizing your playlists, keep it simple and limit the amount of song choices. Unless you’re on a road trip, no one is going to listen to a four-hour long playlist. 

2. Organize by genre or mood. 

For me, I compile my music based on my mood or time period. I know others organize their playlists over specific events or seasons. Pick what’s best for you and be creative. 

3. Add aesthetic pictures. 

If you really want to differentiate your playlists, add a meaningful picture as the cover. Look on Pinterest or Tumblr for some interesting and creative ideas. 

4. Share it with your friends. 

Compile playlists with your friends and get their opinions on your favorite songs. You have to be picky, or your music library will be out of control. Only “add” songs that you will genuinely listen to and “like” mediocre songs.  

5. Purge and update. 

Trust me, if a song isn’t the “vibe”, it’s time to delete. Just like in organizing a closet or shelf, a playlist can get out of control real fast. 

Follow me on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/jordangirl333  

Jordan is a junior at Purdue and majoring in History with two minors in Classical Studies and Forensic Science. Originally from Indiana, she loves drinking chai lattes, playing tennis, binge-watching Netflix, and spending time with her golden-retriever dog, Beau.