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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

I turned 21 this past Sunday Night, and even though I told myself I wasn’t going to go out, the bars were calling my name and I just couldn’t help myself. Turning 21 on a Sunday, the bars were empty and with Indiana’s no-sale law, it was less than ideal. However, it turned out to be a lot of fun! I was able to go to (some of) my classes the next day with a few preparatory steps and tricks. Here’s how to go out and enjoy your 21st birthday in any situation. 

Problem: Your birthday is on a school night 

I thought that this was going to be a big issue, but with some extra care, I survived and thrived. Firstly, make arrangements for the night, whether it be finding a designated driver or getting an Uber. Make sure you’re prepared for everything. Have a tentative drink limit and a goal time of when you want to leave the bar to be able to get to bed on time. Don’t forget to set multiple alarms for the following morning. You will most likely stay out longer than intended. I told myself that I would only stay for an hour and have one drink, but I ended up staying out for about two and a half hours and drinking about 7 shots worth of alcohol. Yeah, no matter how hard you try to be good, you may end up being bad. Before you go to bed, drink water! So much water. All the water. I drank about six full glasses which, although annoying in the moment, my body thanked me for the next morning. No hangover! I was able to go to the classes that were important.

If you absolutely do not want to go out and risk not waking up for school or work on time, stay in and throw a little soirée with your friends. Go out to dinner and get an alcoholic beverage to celebrate, or go to the liquor store and make your first purchase. You don’t necessarily have to go to the bars on your 21st birthday.

Problem: You have no one to go out with 

Out of my group of college friends, I’m the oldest. A lot of my friends don’t turn 21 until later in the year, so I was a little concerned about who to go out with. The truth is that literally anybody will want to go out if you ask. That kid in your English class? Probably wants to go out. Your co-worker? She’d love to go with you. You don’t need a huge group of people to go out with to have a good birthday. I went out with just one person to celebrate and had an absolute blast. Take a chance because you never know who you might have fun with.

General survival and safety tips

We all know not to leave our drinks unattended and not to walk home alone late at night, but be prepared for anything. I recommend dosing up on ibuprofen (not acetaminophen, it’s worse for your liver combined with alcohol) beforehand to prevent that raging headache the next day. I also recommend carrying a full water bottle with you to hydrate in between drinks. It may seem nerdy, but people are going to want to celebrate with you and buy you a lot of drinks, so be ready for anything. Try to have a solid meal before you go out to better absorb the alcohol and prevent stomach upset.

Happy drinking!



In a relationship with mac and cheese. I'm made of memes, a lil bit of anxiety, and pop culture references that nobody understands. I enjoy dancing, writing, cats, and coffee. Your average Becky. You can hear my laugh from miles away probably.
Jennifer Rowella is from Ridgefield, Connecticut. She is a junior at Purdue University studying Speech, Language, and Hearing sciences and is the Senior Editor of Her Campus Purdue. Jennifer enjoys reading, cooking, watching too many episodes of Criminal Minds on Netflix, and being a part of various clubs on campus.