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Her Campus: Rockin’ the Vote!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

Today marks the launch of Her Campus at Purdue University and we could not be more excited! But that’s not the only exciting event that kicked off today. Voting for Purdue Student Government is happening now, and we want you to be informed!

 And the candidates for PSG President and Vice President?

  1. Alex Robinson & Laura Donaldson 
  2. Brett Highley & Monica Harvey 
  3. Nathan Murphy & Brianna Engel
  4. Daniel Spivey & Lauren Masters  

(From Left: Laura Donaldson & Alex Robinson, Monica Harvey & Brett Highley. Not pictured: Nathan Murphy & Brianna Engel, Daniel Spivey & Lauren Masters.)

The Exponent has run several articles on the upcoming elections, including an informative piece on the candidates that lists each platform’s pros and cons. Feel like you’re not well acquainted with what the candidates really stand for? Read what The Exponent’s Editorial Board has to say!
PSG has become a major part of Purdue’s decision-making process over the past few years, and President Brad Krites noted its phenomenal evolution in his exit interview. Its involvement has grown from “programming focus to policy-making focus.”
It’s time for your voice to be heard, Boilermakers! Follow these steps and vote for your future PSG representatives today!

  1. Go to http://getinvolved.purdue.edu/
  2. Log in with your career account username and password.
  3. Select the candidates you choose to endorse.
  4. Review your submissions.
  5. Click VOTE!

These 5 simple steps will help Purdue Move Forward. Do your part Boilermakers and don’t wait! Voting closes March 31!

Photos provided by Alex Robinson and Brett Highley

Amanda Norell is a junior at Purdue University where she is working toward a communication degree, supplemented by an art and design minor. A true Midwesterner, Amanda was born in Chicago and raised in northern Indiana, just minutes from the Michigan border. In addition to being Purdue's Campus Correspondent, Amanda is also a junior board member on Liberal Arts Student Council, a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, and has both edited and written for The Exponent, Purdue's independent daily student newspaper.  She has held internships in both event planning and career development, and has her sights set on becoming an event and wedding planner after graduation. She cannot get enough of campus in the fall, crepes from Greyhouse, Urban Outfitters, and simply lovin' life.