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Eric Todderud ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

Eric Todderud

Hometown: Fishers, Indiana
Major: Management
Year: Sophomore

HCP: What is your life motto?
True wisdom is sought through the realization that we know nothing.

HCP: What would you like to see yourself doing at the age of 30?
Creating advertisements in New York.

HCP: Favorite candy?
Sour Patch Kids.

HCP: Favorite movie?
Pulp Fiction.

HCP: What is the first thing you look for in a girl?
A great smile.

HCP: What is the number one thing to do on your “bucket list”?
Run with the bulls in Pamplona. I went to Spain two summers ago and I regret not doing it.

HCP: Who is your role model?
My high school wrestling coach.

HCP:  Most embarrassing moment?
When I lost a beer die game 0-5 and had to run around my house naked.

HCP: Most hated class ever?
Any math class.

HCP:  Your idea of the perfect date?
Surprising a girl to a night out with dinner then going out on my boat with some nice wine and classic jams.

HCP: Dream school?
Boulder, CO.

HCP: Most hated chick flick you’ve ever been forced to watch?
Magic Mike

HCP: What do you enjoy most about Greek life?
The ability to get involved…and the sorority girls. Ha.

HCP: Favorite actor?
Johnny Depp.

HCP: Biggest pet peeve about a girl?
If she is clingy.

Leta is a senior at Purdue University studying Retail Management with a Certificate in Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Leta is a member of Zeta Tau Alpha and is obsessed with her sisters. An avid shopper and fashionista, Leta spends her time working as an Assistant Manager at Twenty Ten Boutique on Purdue's campus while managing their social media campaigns. Leta started writing for Her Campus Purdue in April of 2011. It was because of her extreme enthusiasm and passion for Her Campus that she was promoted to Purdue University's Campus Correspondent in January of 2012.