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Chelsea Arthur: Sole Female on the Big Bass Drum Crew

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

Ladies, what’s better news than knowing a fellow woman has mad a break through and pushed boundaries for what is considered to be the norm. Chelsea Arthur has done just that. She is a member of Purdue University ‘s Big Bass Drum Crew—yes, the one that boasts itself of the largest drum in the world. Chelsea, the only woman on the crew, is one of the only 7 in its 91-year history. The grueling, intense training sessions and selection procedure for the crew can make anyone nervous, but Chelsea managed to show that women are never far behind. In fact, continuing to surprise the world one step at a time is our specialty!

Meet Chelsea, our very own Purdue collegiette™ who is making us all very proud!

Her Campus: Chelsea, first of all we want to congratulate you on the fabulous job you’re doing with the BBD Crew! How do you feel about this opportunity?
Chelsea Arthur: I think it’s an accomplishment. I feel proud and it feels good to be able to keep up with the boys. It’s a lot of fun doing a “man’s job.”

HC: How do you feel about being our Campus Celebrity?
CA:It’s such a great opportunity. I am so excited! It’s great to have my story heard.

HC: What were the selection criteria for the BBD?
CA: There are several different things that you have to do: a physical fitness aspect, public relations, drum handling and (having) the correct attitude. Believe it or not, the physical fitness is not a big part of the process. You have to be a team player; that’s most important.

HC: How many women have been on the BBD Crew in history?
CA:There have been either 5 or 7 women in the history. The BBD crew was made in 1921 so this year we’re celebrating its 90th birthday.

HC: Do you feel like a mini celebrity in the band, being the only female BBD Crew member?
CA: People know who I am now, so it’s kind of different and it feels good. It’s like an ego boost sort of.

HC: How did your upbringing and your time at Purdue prepare you for this opportunity?
CA: I was (basically) an only child growing up and I grew up in the country. I’m used to playing with boys—getting my hands dirty—that prepared me for some aspects of it. And Purdue is hard; it makes you work for your grades and so keeping up with my schoolwork prepared me to take on opportunities and strive to make them work with everything else in my life.

HC: What message do you have for our fellow Boilerettes?
CA: Purdue is a lot of work and doing something like BBD needs strength and commitment, and the spirit to not give up. Don’t ever give up!

HC: What is a life lesson you’ve learned that has helped you deal in your relationships with the opposite sex, making sure you’re getting the fair end of the deal ?
CA: You have to be honest; lying can have a snowball effect. If you can be honest with people around you, everything else falls into place. Don’t change for others. That’s lying for others.

HC: What are your plans for the future?
CA:Right now I don’t have solid plans. I want to work for an aviation company—probably Boeing—overseeing the management part of it. I love airplanes so that would be great. And work for the 2032 presidential campaign ;)

HC: How long will you be serving as a Crew member?
CA: We have to audition every year, so this year and hopefully next year too.

HC: What is one thing you swear by?
CA: I love my Sperrys! I live by them. And I have to wear earrings every day. And, of course, chap stick.
*All photos provided by Chelsea Arthur

Amanda Norell is a junior at Purdue University where she is working toward a communication degree, supplemented by an art and design minor. A true Midwesterner, Amanda was born in Chicago and raised in northern Indiana, just minutes from the Michigan border. In addition to being Purdue's Campus Correspondent, Amanda is also a junior board member on Liberal Arts Student Council, a member of Alpha Gamma Delta, and has both edited and written for The Exponent, Purdue's independent daily student newspaper.  She has held internships in both event planning and career development, and has her sights set on becoming an event and wedding planner after graduation. She cannot get enough of campus in the fall, crepes from Greyhouse, Urban Outfitters, and simply lovin' life.