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Bath and Body Works for Every Occasion

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

In high school, my friends and I often would spend our free time at our local mall. While my friends prioritized their favorite stores such as American Eagle or Dicks Sporting Goods, I could always be found sifting through hundreds of candles at my all time favorite location, Bath and Body Works. One of my favorite gifts to receive and even better yet, one of my favorites to give, is a candle or some lotion or even sanitizer. Here are some of my favorite new scents just in time for spring!

  1. Brightest Bloom

With spring just around the corner, all the flowers will eventually begin to bloom. But, until then, this candle is a collection of many floral notes including lily of the valley, jasmine sambac, and garden carnations. The decoration of the outside of the candle is a great representation of the scent and vibe of the candle. 

  1. Blush Amber & Peony

If you don’t love heavy floral candles, then this is a candle for you. This black candle with contrasting flowers has notes of warm musk, golden pear and sweet peony for an earthy smell. This candle is just perfect for those late summer evenings. 

  1. Love you Mom, Pink Lilac and Vanilla 

There are still a few months until May but it is never too early to start preparing for Mother’s day. My mom is a huge fan of Bath and Body Works and she always loves a new candle, spoiler alert: this is what I’m getting my mom in May. This candle is covered in pretty flowers around the outside and has notes of fresh lilac and vanilla blossoms, which is perfect for the month of May. 

  1. Fresh Cut Lilac

This is not a brand new scent this spring but I will never miss an opportunity to talk about my favorite spring scent. I discovered Fresh Cut Lilac last spring when I was searching for a gift for my favorite teacher and I fell in love with the scent. It’s even in my wallflower in my dorm and the scent in my car currently. I just love the smell of fresh flowers everywhere.

Kendell is a writer at the Her Campus Purdue University chapter. She's been a part of Purdue's Her Campus chapter since fall of 2023. Her favorite topics to write about include entertainment, the music industry and about her favorite experiences around campus. Beyond Her Campus, Kendell is a freshman at Purdue University, majoring in Communications with a minor in History and Creative Writing. Originally from Noblesville, Indiana, she grew up visiting West Lafayette and loves the student life. In her free time, Kendell enjoys listen to music especially Taylor Swift. She is also really into reading and loves to talk about her latest reads, majority of which involve romance. She loves to bake and back home is known for her banana bread muffins, coffee cake and chocolate chip cookies.