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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

Last weekend, I went into a movie theater for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic
started. It has been more than a year without entering a cinema. More than a year without
watching trailers for upcoming movies. More than a year without the smell of buttery popcorn,
of the excitement when entering the dark theater, and the anticipation of a new story that’s about
to begin. Revisiting the movie theater this weekend reminded me of the power of movies to
transform us, inspire us and make our lives happier.

“Dune” had just premiered that week. I went with some friends only to see Timothée Chalamet
acting, with no expectations whatsoever or any preconceptions about the film itself. I bought a
big bucket of popcorn with extra butter, and my friends got some nachos and candy. I laughed
through some trailers and was bewildered by others, whispering excitedly to my friends every
time an actor I liked made an appearance. Once the movie began, I lost myself completely in the
story, the beautiful cinematography and the powerful sound effects. Between mouthfuls of
popcorn, I wondered to myself how I had possibly gone so long without this magical experience.

Going to the movies has always been one of my favorite ways of forgetting the real world and
tuning into myself. Staring at the big screen while sharing a unique story with strangers who are
feeling similar emotions to you is a beautiful form of human connection and, at the same time,
the best form of escapism possible. From my first time watching the remastered version of
“Titanic” to the release of the last Harry Potter movie, cinema holds memories dear to my heart,
and has given me extraordinary experiences all throughout my life. Going to the movies is joy,
comfort and pure bliss. Stepping into the movie theater this weekend felt just like coming
home-and, in a way, I truly did.

Alessandra is the vice-president of Her Campus at the Purdue chapter. She monitors article progress, ensuring they are uploaded on time and helps solve any problems that may arise. She is currently a senior at Purdue, majoring in Business Management, minoring in English Literature and concentrating in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Alessandra has worked for Victoria's Secret PINK as a campus ambassador, helping with the marketing and communications of the brand. She is passionate about entertainment and wants to work in the industry after she graduates. In her free time, Alessandra loves doing any kind of sport or physical activity. If she's not surfing, swimming or dancing, you can find her eating pasta, reading, making very specific music playlists, watching movies and traveling everywhere she can.