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5 Things to Do If You Aren’t Going to a Halloween Party

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

For many, Halloween is the most important holiday of the year. From apple picking to costumes to pumpkin spice lattes, participating in Halloween is an absolute must. Preparing for Halloween parties may also be at the top of the to-do list.


In college, Halloween is the one day of the year where you can be anything you want and not get judged for it.

But what if you aren’t into all those things? What if Halloween is not your favorite holiday? Don’t worry! Here are five options that will leave you with a good time without the party planning.

1. Pumpkin Carving

Carving pumpkins is a classic Halloween tradition that doesn’t call for a lot of effort. All local groceries stores or pumpkin patches have dozens of different pumpkins to choose from that are perfect for carving. Make sure you get a pumpkin carving kit (usually right by all the pumpkins) because regular knives don’t work too well. Pick a funky or traditional design to carve and voila! You are all set! For an added bonus, save all your pumpkin seeds and make a tasty snack afterwards.

2. Watch Scary Movies

Although Halloween doesn’t have as many themed movies as most other holidays, there are a surplus of scary movies to get into the spooky spirit! The original movie Halloween is a classic Halloween movie that will keep you on your toes with the blankets over your eyes. Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and The Amityville Horror are just a few other classics that will give you a good scare. If those are a little too scary for you, classics like Hocus Pocus and Halloweentown are more light hearted and won’t leave you with nightmares.

3. Go to a Haunted House

Most likely, there is a haunted house around the area you live in. These days, haunted houses are essential to any Halloween tradition. Some are out of this world scary and some are just your average ghosts, but either way going with a big group of friends is a fun way to celebrate Halloween and get a good laugh.

4. Make Halloween themed treats

Candy is the most important food item for the Halloween season, but there are plenty more yummy treats you can make to fulfill your cravings. Pigs in a blanket mummies are perfect to munch on for your Halloween dinner. Spooky pretzel or strawberry ghosts are also great appetizers when you just need a light snack. But don’t forget the endless amount of ideas for dessert. Anything from pumpkin cupcakes to pumpkin cookies to pumpkin pie, as long as it is pumpkin, you’re in good shape!

5. See a Rocky Horror Picture Show

Rocky Horror Picture Show is a cult classic, but a Halloween classic as well. The movie is usually always played on TV during the Halloween season, but lots of places put on a showing of it or a play of it. Whether you are a virgin to the show or not, be prepared to scream, shout, sing and throw things as the show goes on.  It is a wild time, but one you must experience at least once in your lifetime.

Halloween is more than just partying and costumes. It is a time to have fun and express yourself! Don’t be discouraged, there is always something to do!



Born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago, Illinois, Rachael made the move to West Lafayette, Indiana where she attends Purdue University. She is currently a junior studying English and Communications. She is a co-correspondent and the President of Her Campus Purdue University. She currently is a reporter for The Purdue Exponent, where she writes about everything that is going on around campus. She hopes to become a note-worthy journalist and a strong business woman. Rachael is a traveling junkie and wants to explore all 50 states in her lifetime, along with going back to London, which is her favorite. She loves watching 10 Things I Hate About You and can't live without dancing to Beyonce, running, and finding new restaurants to eat at. Doughnut shops and pizza places are her go-to's.