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5 of the Best Fall Movies to Watch Right Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

The weather is finally getting colder. Instead of wearing shorts and a tank top, I am opting for a sweatshirt and some leggings. I am not sweating on my walk to campus and that means that fall is upon us in West Lafayette. With the cooler weather, I have been choosing to watch fall movies of all genres. Below are my top 5 favorite fall movies!

Sports Drama- Remember the Titans (2000)

            When I think of fall, I immediately associate it with football season. This movie is based on the integration of two schools in a small town in Virginia and primarily looks at the football team. The newly formed team has to figure out how to work together and accept each other to win.

Mystery/Comedy- Knives Out (2019)

Fall is when the days start to get shorter, and darkness surrounds us more. I always remember watching murder mysteries with my parents or in this case, Knives Out with my younger brother during Fall Break. The premise of this movie is that a mystery writer, Harlan Thrombey, is dead and the whole family is acting suspiciously. This leads to an amazing murder mystery of trying to uncover who in the family did it.

Fantasy/ Romance- Practical Magic (1998)

            Fall is also the season of many holidays, one of which is Halloween. Practical Magic follows 2 sisters who were born into a family of witches, though throughout their childhood they rejected their family practices. When one of the sister’s boyfriends dies, they try to harness their power and resurrect him. Let’s just say it did not go the way they wanted it to because now an evil spirit possesses the boyfriend’s body and is trying to kill both sisters.

Romance- When Harry Met Sally (1989)

            Generally, I love a good rom-com, but this one takes the cake for the best fall one. When Harry Met Sally, follows both Harry and Sally for 12 years from the first time they met until they finally get together. From enemies to friends, to partners, viewers are able to see both Harry and Sally grow as people and in their relationship with one another.

Historical Drama- Mona Lisa Smile (2003)

            When fall comes around, it means that school is in session. Mona Lisa Smile is set in 1953, where Julia Roberts plays a professor at an all-female college. Throughout the movie, Julia Roberts’ character, Katherine Watson, encourages her students to break out of the stereotype of what a woman is supposed to be and do, and to do what they want and to achieve their goals.

I hope you enjoy these movies that give fall vibes as much as I do! Happy movie-watching this fall!

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Ella Fabian

Purdue '27

Ella Fabian is a freshman writer at the Her Campus at Purdue chapter. She writes primarily entertainment and health verticals on the site. Beyond Her Campus, Ella is a part of The Period Project, Rotaract Club, and multiple pharmacy clubs at Purdue. She is hoping to start a mental health advocacy club on campus as well. Ella is currently a freshman at Purdue University, majoring in Pharmaceutical Sciences, and is hoping to minor in German. After graduation, she hopes to work in Psychiatric Pharmacy in a hospital. Though, in her free time, Ella is an avid reader and loves a good rom-com. She also loves playing sports, Volleyball and Basketball, as well as, jamming out to Taylor Swift and Olivia Rodrigo.