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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Purdue chapter.

Among my other resolutions, I decided to read more in this upcoming year and finish an actual book. Something I’m not too good at. Since I get bored easily, I’d rather do a myriad of other things than sit down and read a book. To rectify this, I challenged myself to read one book a month. From my resolution, here are some of my book recommendations I plan on reading this year.

1. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid

If you haven’t heard of this book, I will genuinely be surprised. This book practically runs its advertising on TikTok, so I finally caved into the pressure and bought it. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo is a historical fiction novel that details the account of the fictional Old Hollywood star Evelyn Hugo, who at 79 years-old, gives a final interview over her unrestrained and promiscuous past.

2. We Were Liars by E. Lockhart

I’m severely late to the party. I’m literally the last human on the planet to read this book. Written by Emily Lockhart, this psychological thriller is about a young woman’s childhood summer vacations and the one accident that forever changed her life.

3. Taste: My Life Through Food by Stanley Tucci

In his autobiography, Stanley Tucci recalls his life through his love of food. From an award-winning actor and known-foodie, Tucci reflects on the intersection between food and life experiences. His book is filled with anecdotes about growing up in an Italian-American family and his journey throughout his film career.

4. Circe by Madeline Miller

It’s hard to find a modern adaptation of various Greek myths from the perspective of Circe, a minor goddess in Greek mythology. Exiled on an island, she falls in love with Odysseus, the main character in Homer’s The Odyssey. This book gives a fresh perspective on Circe’s struggles and subsequent exile.

Jordan is a junior at Purdue and majoring in History with two minors in Classical Studies and Forensic Science. Originally from Indiana, she loves drinking chai lattes, playing tennis, binge-watching Netflix, and spending time with her golden-retriever dog, Beau.