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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Let’s face it. Taylor Swift hasn’t had her fair luck with men.

Whether it is Joe Jonas who broke up with her over a 27-seconds phone call, John Mayer who fans allege took advantage of her, or Joe Alwyn who didn’t know what he had in front of him, she always seems to get the short end of the stick.

As “Swifties,” you know we never get the short end of the stick when it comes to Swift giving us what we want. With about to be a total of 14 albums in her discography, Swift is nothing short of a life’s biggest legend in my book.

With all the success and publicity that surrounds Swift, she needs a partner that can understand her level of fame and not take advantage of it.

Swift’s exes usually played a role in the entertainment industry, most of them worked as actors, musicians, etc.

With partners in the same or similar type of industry, there is room for jealousy or sense of uncomfortableness within each other’s success. As seemingly one of the most famous people in the world, Swift has always worn the pants in the relationship and always was and will be the more successful one.

Once the news that Swift and Travis Kelce are allegedly dating broke the internet, I didn’t know what to think. Don’t get me wrong, I love Kelce, but this duo just came so far from left field (was that the right sports analogy?) that I didn’t know what to make of it.

However, the more I thought about it, the more I loved the idea of them together. He is exactly what she needs.

From watching him dance like a goofball after he scores a touchdown or listening to his podcast with his brother Jason Kelce, Travis Kelce is nothing but a down to earth, fun-loving guy that just happens to be good at football.

As I like to believe I know Swift like she is my sister, I think she loves to take advantage of any adventure presented to her, while having the most fun doing it. Kelce and Swift are a dynamic duo because they are so similar.

With this relationship, there seems to not be any type of pressure. He seems to respect her level of fame and doesn’t seem to be the type to get jealous like maybe some of her exes in the past.

Because of their two different industries, they both are still able to shine and rock their own versions of the stage.

Something else I admire about all the Swift/Kelce content is seeing her interactions with Mamma Kelce and Jason Kelce appearing so happy for his brother. With their family in the media more so than ever, it highlights how well the family dynamic is, the unlimited love they share with one another, and the importance of family over anything.

While I am living for every type of content of “Swelce” on the internet, I think it is important for Swift that their privacy is respected when necessary, especially now that her fame is bigger than ever before.

With Kelce and Swift being two of the biggest names media, it is hard not to get lured into the content and wanting to know more.

They are our real-life Barbie and Ken right now and we must protect them at all costs. It is their world, and we are all just living in it. Let’s Go “Swelce!”

Emily Gladu is a recent graduate of Penn State University with a degree in Advertising/ PR and certificate in Business. During her free time, you will find Emily cheering on the Philadelphia sports teams or catching a flight to her next adventure! She loves to keep up with the latest fashion trends & discover new music.