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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Nowadays, it seems that the distinct loathing for the month of February is universal.


It’s not hard to understand why: it’s cold, it’s dark, midterms are creeping up, and the whole month seems to drag on and on and on. Thank goodness it’s the shortest month of the year, right? Who could take any more of February? 


But above all else, people don’t like this month because of Valentine’s Day. If you’re single, the holiday — and the month — can feel like one big chocolate-covered reminder that you are painfully and endlessly alone. Even happy couples may feel an unnecessary amount of pressure to display their commitment and love for each other. The point is that Valentine’s Day can feel like an extra weight on everyone’s shoulders, regardless of relationship status. 


But I, a single woman, am here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, I kind of love Valentine’s Day — a lot. 


Society has told us that Feb. 14 is a day to celebrate the person you love, and the media has ingrained in us the idea that that person has to be your significant other. But in my house, it meant celebrating love in general. Did my parents exchange cards and chocolate and have a nice date while the babysitter entertained my brother and me? Of course. But, we would also wake up to chocolates and sweet notes from our parents every year, telling us how much they loved us. 


At school, everyone would write a kind letter to each person in their class and exchange candy hearts. When I was older, I would bake something sweet to give to my friends. It was a day for indulgence,happiness and extra kindness. 


Valentine’s Day with a partner is definitely fun, and I wouldn’t trade the ones I spent with my own for the world. But, Valentine’s Day spent with friends and family — celebrating my love for them and for the world — are equally as special to me. 


“I love you” is a phrase that gets tossed around a lot. I appreciate the reminder to reflect on those that truly deserve it and how lucky I am to have that kind of connection in my life. We could all use a day to show more love, don’t you think? The whole world seems to be sorely lacking in that kind of warmth these days. 


If you’re still feeling down, remember: Self-love is just as valid and equally important as platonic and romantic love! Valentine’s Day is the perfect excuse to buy yourself a beautiful bouquet of roses and indulge in some yummy food, regardless of who you are — or are not — sharing it with. If all else fails, just remember that it’s OK. February is the shortest month of the year anyway.

Nina Gold is a freshman in the BFA Acting program at Penn State. In her spare time, she enjoys writing, dance, yoga, and binging the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.
Bailey McBride is a Senior at Penn State University pursuing a Broadcast Journalism degree with minors in Political Science and Digital Media Trends & Analytics. She is a sister of Delta Gamma. She enjoys making hyper-organizational lists and looking at future pups to adopt. Her dream job is to be Press Secretary of the White House.