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What to Wear For State Paddy’s Day in State College

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

We are almost at the best time of the year in State College. State Paddy’s weekend is Feb. 24-26 this year, and it’s quickly approaching. There’s day longs to attend, bar crawls and so much more.

We take this “holiday” seriously here. I mean, we have coordinated outfits, green Penn State shirts, certain makeup looks and so many places to be.

If you like to think ahead and plan things, I have an outfit line up for you to help ease your stress. I’m not a fashion expert, but I’ve been here for a few years so I kind of have the hang on what outfits are the best to wear.


You have to start the weekend off with a bang. If you’re going out to the bars, I recommend wearing leather pants or ripped jeans with a cute, green shirt. You don’t have to wear a State Paddy’s themed shirt.

Wearing a cropped green, long sleeved top or a cute white crop top will be just fine. Also, I think it would be super cute to wear colored, flared jeans. Wearing a white top with green pants or vice versa would be stunning.


If you need to recover from the night before, get yourself some Starbucks or a bagel from Irving’s and head back to your place to start getting ready. Get caffeinated or hydrated. Whatever you need to do to get ready, get it done.

There’s no classes or projects going on today, so find a day-long to go with your friends and have some fun. This part of the weekend is prime time, so I’m begging you to go all out for it.

For the day-long, I recommend wearing ripped jeans and a green State Paddy’s shirt or just any green top. It’s the perfect outfit for photo opportunities.

If you’re headed out to the bars for the night, dress in some cute jeans or leather pants with either a long sleeved, green top or even a gold top to spice it up.


It’s the last day, so why not go out with a bang? Put on some green or white eye liner to go along with a bold look for the day. If you want to take it easy, throw on some cute sweatpants with some Champion shoes and a crop top or wear an entirely fancy outfit.

For me, I like to go all out for the last day, so I will be wearing ripped flared jeans, a long sleeved and a white crop top that says “Lucky” in green lettering. I’m going to wear high-top white Converse too.

For makeup, I’m going to do a cat eye with bright green eyeliner and I’m going to put some gold shimmer eyeshadow on my eyelids. I have to wear all of the colors to celebrate the holiday. It’s a necessity.

Remember, this weekend is what you make it. If you’re a senior, take in your last State Paddy’s weekend. Go all out.

Go to that bar crawl. Go to the day-long. Just be with your friends. Wear four-leaf clover earrings. Just party hard.

Celebrate like it’s the last time you’ll ever get to wear green, white and gold.

I am a senior at Penn State University majoring in digital and print journalism with a minor in digital media trends and analytics.