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What The Latest Gilmore Girls Trailer Means for Me

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

I’m not one to get sappy, (not all the time at least) but I have to admit that the latest Gilmore Girls trailer gave me all of the feels. The four-part series which is titled “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life” will premiere on Nov. 25. As if your Thanksgiving couldn’t get better with your mom’s stuffing and you beating your cousins in beer pong in the basement after dinner. 


However, the whole Gilmore Girls series means something to me like a lot of other young girls all over the country. Since I was pretty young when the show came out, it didn’t occur to me how much the show meant to me until I saw the trailer this week.


Firstly, the show represents the ideal mother daughter relationship, in which your mother is your best friend. I know it’s typical for girls to go through their teen years hating their mother and being annoyed with her every second of every day, but that was never me. Mary, as I call her to all of my friends, was always my best friend and confidant. I tell her everything, probably a little too much now that I think about it. Throughout the show, Lorelai was always there for Rory through Dean, through getting into Yale, through every competition with Paris (she’s the worst). Also at the same time, Rory was there for all of Lorelai’s struggles too. Whenever my mom has a problem at work or is annoyed with the maid service for not calling her back, I’m one of the first to hear about it. In turn, whenever I fail an exam, lose my room key, or cry over the next frat boy who breaks my heart because he didn’t say hi to me the night before, she’s the only person I want to call. 


The second thing that spoke to me in the trailer was the whole “three generations” concept. I can tell you that my mother learned everything she knows from my grandmother and she feels the same way about her mom as I do about mine. I am the woman I am due to my grandma, not just personality wise but physically to. If you don’t know me then you wouldn’t know that I weigh about ninety-nine pounds, yep I’m what people call a “twig.” My mom was the exact same way growing up and so was my grandma. As a child, I was always self-conscious about my body because every one of my classmates repeatedly told me how “skinny” I was. In true Mary fashion, she told me to just ignore what people would say because she had heard it all before and so had my grandma. One of the reasons that I love this show is because it highlights the important relationship of Rory, Lorelai, and Emily. To put it simply, there’s no bond like it.


“If you’re out on the road. Feeling lonely and so cold. All you have to do is call my name. And I’ll be there on the next train.” These iconic words will always have a place in my heart and the hearts of young girls around the country. I don’t know about you but I can’t wait to hear these words on Nov. 25, while I’m on the couch with a cup of coffee sitting next to my very own Lorelai Gilmore.


Photo Credit: 1

Brittany Krugel is a student at Penn State. She is majoring in broadcast journalism in the College of Communications. She is a member of the Phi Mu Sorority at Penn State. She one day hopes to work for CNN or ABC as a broadcast journalist. When she's not tweeting about mac& cheese and Hillary Clinton, she enjoys netflix binges, listening to Kanye West, and going to Penn State Football games.
Meghan Maffey graduated from the Pennslyvania State University in the Spring of 2017. She graduated with a degree in Broadcast Journalism and a minor in English.