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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

As a full time college student, it’s difficult to keep my life in order. From managing my school work, working a part time job and trying to maintain the rest of my life, I’m constantly on my toes.

Modern problems require modern solutions, which is why I’ve turned to artificial intelligence (AI) to complete certain menial tasks.

Before I started using AI for myself, I was hesitant to check it out. My only knowledge of the software was that it created pictures of people in goofy attire.

Now that there are new sources of convenience, I want to take advantage and share my experiences to hopefully help others.

The source I use most frequently is ChatGPT. ChatGPT was developed by Microsoft and Open AI, a nonprofit AI research and development company. According to their website, “our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence benefits all of humanity.”

New technology can be intimidating, especially when there is not much information about its features readily available.

However, I believe that technology should work for you and make your life easier. The prominence of smartphones in our daily lives sometimes allows me to forget how convenient it makes my life.

The first time I opened ChatGPT was to make a meal plan for me. I asked for a simple, healthy meal plan with an average amount of daily calorie intake and room for cheat days.

From there, I asked for a personalized grocery list. It actually saved my preferences from the meal plan and created the grocery list based on that. Learning to grocery shop for yourself can be challenging if you’ve never lived on your own before, but AI simplified the process.

Another way I use ChatGPT is creating workout regimens. I had no experience prior to starting in the gym, and asking the staff can be intimidating.

After asking for some basic health information, nothing invasive or too personal, Chat GPT provided thorough, detailed exercises and you can ask for video demonstrations if you’ve never heard of an exercise before.

ChatGPT can also be used academically, but nothing that would lead to plagiarism. In my case, I used it to brush up my resume.

I asked for tips on writing a solid cover letter without a specific prompt, and it walked me through a good outline to use. I also used it to upgrade certain phrases and make them more professional by asking for stronger verbs to use in place of the word “very.”

Artificial intelligence has more academic uses outside of plagiarism, like the website Knowt. Knowt is like a Quizlet dupe but better. It’s free for unlimited uses, unlike Quizlet as of recently, but the draw for me is the AI Bot.

The AI Bot can create flashcard sets for you using your notes. The drawback is that the technology is still new, so it can be glitchy based on my experience, but it still saves time.

As a busy college student, anything that saves time should be included in your day-to-day regimen. The technology is getting more advanced and with more use it will become more accurate.

I encourage everybody to try using AI to improve your life.

I'm Xandra Adams-Dennis, I'm a third year digital and print journalism major with a digital media trending analytics minor. This is my first year writing for HerCampus. I'm from Mount Pocono, PA, I'm 20 years old and I love writing. I love to crochet and binge tv series in my free time.