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This is Your Sign to Take Control of Your Stress

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Life as a college student can be tricky, and I’m not just talking about class work. Relationships, friendships, social life, finances and just plain stress can stack on top of your already full mind and schedule.

It can be easy to overlook this stress and believe that it is “just a normal part of being a college kid.” However, the truth is that too much stress is bad for you and if you let it go too long, it’ll only get worse.

This year I have been a lot more conscious of my own stress. I am all too aware of feeling that your stress is inevitable. While school work will continue to put pressure on you and the fear of missing out will be a burden no matter what, there are plenty of methods proven to reduce stress and allow you to manage it better.

Based on research done by Purdue Global, 60% of college students met the criteria for one or more mental health problems due to an abundance of stress. This statistic shows how unmanaged stress can build up and lead to a more severe issue.

Along with this, the study found that 75% of students dealing with depression and anxiety were shown to be reluctant to seek assistance. If you are dealing with any sort of mental health problem, Penn State has many resources in place to help you get back on track.

In this study, Purdue Global provided a few stress management techniques to help contain and even limit that weight on your shoulders. These methods include a healthy diet, exercise, finding an outlet and building a support system.

I look at the healthy diet and exercise suggestions as a connection between physical and mental health. Eating healthy provides you with the nutrients you need to work through problems and manage your stress.

Exercises releases endorphins, which are scientifically proven to be the “feel-good chemicals.” Endorphins act as natural painkillers that can lower stress levels in the body.

Finding an outlet has been something that I have struggled with in my stress-management journey. Some examples of outlets are hobbies, sports, drawing, gardening or reading.

In college, finding time out of your day to do something you enjoy can be difficult. With the weather getting warmer, I have started to try and combine my exercise with my outlet by going on a walk.

Lastly, building a strong support system is crucial. Whether you find that in friends or family, having people to fall back on, and who make you feel good about yourself, makes a world of difference.

Since turbulent and toxic relationships can cause tons of stress, it is important to surround yourself with the right people.

It might feel like an overload of stress is just a normal part of being a college student. While some stress is inevitable, too much can lead to bigger issues and even more harmful mental health illnesses.

There’s no time like today to start taking control of your stress levels. Try these tips out next time you’re feeling stressed!

My name is Sarah Neely and I am a third year, Communication Arts and Sciences student at The Pennsylvania State University. I am on the writing team at Her Campus @ PSU! I love all things music, sports, movies and more!