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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

The time has come when Thanksgiving is next in line for the holidays. While some people want to ignore it or just get through it, Thanksgiving is still an important holiday to celebrate.

It may not be as fun to celebrate as Halloween or as exciting as Christmas. Nonetheless, it’s a holiday for a reason and deserves appreciation.

Thanksgiving is truly the last celebration of fall before winter starts. That means we get to say goodbye to fall and be sad about that, but be excited for winter with Christmas music and talk of festive activities.

Many traditions go along with Thanksgiving such as watching the parade, cheering on football teams and cooking with family. All of these events can be seen as little, but they become bigger as they provide comfort and bonding with loved ones.

Of course, there are yummy dishes that come with the holiday as well. Usually, there’s food you only have at Thanksgiving, so they’re special to that time.

In my opinion, that makes the food even better since that’s the only time you can have it.

Not only do you get to stuff your face with food, you get to realize all that you have to be thankful for and give those things recognition.

Most times during the year, people lose track of all they have to be grateful for.

It can be when you’re in a bad place and don’t take the time to think about all you have to be happy about, or you’re really happy and enjoying that time without thinking about much else. At both times throughout the year, there’s still always something to give thanks for.

It could be as simple as your favorite place, mascara, or movie. However, it could be about appreciating your journey and growth, the people around you and the values you hold dear.

With the presidential election just ending, it can be trickier to manage Thanksgiving or being around people who don’t have the same opinions as you. However, Thanksgiving should be a time of bringing people together and being grateful for them regardless.

Everyone has their own opinions, but sometimes it’s better to put those differences aside to celebrate all that is good.

Family is one of the biggest things to be grateful for as they will be the people that are always there for you. They are your support system and the people that can always make you smile. They carry you when you feel you can’t stand by yourself.

Sometimes we forget family can be more than who you share blood with. They can be your best friends, your significant other, your pet or anyone who fills that space.

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for anything that matters to you. Even if you don’t have the best relationship with your blood family, there’s always something or someone to celebrate during this holiday.

So this Thanksgiving, look at the holiday for what it’s meant to be. Look at it as an opportunity to give appreciation to the important details of your life.

Nothing else matters but taking even just a few minutes to reflect and realize how lucky you are.

Hayley is a first year student at Penn State University from Warrington, Pennsylvania. She is currently undecided in what to major in but leaning towards Marketing. When she's not writing, you can find her hanging out with friends and family, with her boyfriend, listening to music, travelling, and shopping. She's super excited to build her life at Penn State, get involved, and meet new people.