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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

I’ve always loved sleeping. I mean, most people do. When your head hits that cold pillow after a tiring day and you feel yourself doze off into that sweet escape, there is no better feeling in the world.

What makes sleeping and dreams an escape? Is it the way we always end up getting what we want, or how life just seems to be easier or happier in dreams?

For me, I’m usually dating some hotshot of a guy and we do everything couples would do when they’re happy. Or I get to start my own company and become a millionaire. Those dreams are really great, aren’t they?

At the end of the day, though, they are just dreams, they aren’t real. But they easily could be.

You’re probably rolling your eyes now, thinking, “Jordan, I’ve heard that so many times, I don’t need the optimistic crap.” And I don’t blame you.

But take a second to really think about it. What stops your dreams from becoming reality? I don’t think my dreams of being in a healthy, loving relationship are that far-fetched. If I really wanted to, I could walk up to the guy I liked and tell him how I feel, and there, I’m in a relationship.

Obviously, it’s not that simple and clear-cut. There’s going to be rejection, which nobody likes, and there’s going to be nerves and anxiety, and you’ll probably chicken out of a lot of stuff you want to do in life. But alas, you don’t have to anymore, and let me tell you why.

If you break down the reasons behind people not chasing their dreams and doing what they want in life, it comes down to simple things: money, time, effort and ability.

Yeah, some of you want to go to Los Angeles and become famous actresses or start your own successful business, but those things take money. And yeah, some of you want to become doctors or lawyers, but that takes a lot of time and effort. And I bet some of you wish you were Division One athletes or good at some type of sport, but that takes ability.

Now reread that whole paragraph, and tell me you don’t think it sounds like a bunch of excuses. If you want to go to Los Angeles or start your own business but don’t have the money, you work your butt off somewhere else to make the money to do it. If you want to become a doctor or lawyer but don’t want to put in the time and effort, that’s just laziness. But don’t worry, friend, laziness can be fixed. And lastly, to be good at sports, you just have to show up time and time again, get up when you fall and keep on training.

At the end of the day, what stops us from accomplishing our sweet, amazing dreams isn’t money, time or ability. It’s the lack of drive and motivation. It’s also our fear our failure, but sometimes you just have to say “screw whatever anyone else thinks, I’m just gonna go for it.”

There’s this cheesy quote that you’ve probably heard hundreds of times and hate, but I like it and think it really hits home.

“You miss 100% of the chances you don’t take.”

Just thinking about starting your own business or becoming an athlete isn’t going to magically transform you, trust me I’ve tried.

If you really want something, you have to go out there into the real world and do it. Despite the challenges and odds against you, you will find a way if you want it bad enough.

Stop saying you’ll start tomorrow because we all know you won’t. Start now. Stop putting your dreams off because you aren’t sure if they will pan out.

I can tell you with 100% certainty, that if you keep putting them off, they will never pan out. But if you stop living in your dreams and start living in the present, start working for your goals, you can do whatever you put your mind to, and your dreams can become a reality.

Junior at Penn State.