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Relationships 101: What PSU Ladies Are Doing Wrong

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

When it comes to relationships at Penn State, guys and girls alike continue to put on the same old song and dance. Either they say they want to be completely single, or say they want a relationship, but are quick to add that there is no one here for them to date. Ladies, I have a feeling most of you want the second option but cover it up by using the typical college excuse, “I just want to be single.” Guess what, I’m not buying it. Is it a defense mechanism? I think yes. The scary part is, we don’t even realize we’re doing it. We assume that most guys want a commitment free college life so we put a wall up to protect ourselves. Here’s the catch: that isn’t what most guys want. Time and time again my guys friends complain about not being able to have a normal conversation with a girl.
Don’t take too much offense. Actually on second though, take offense!

Many girls complain about not having any doors open when it comes to love, but there is potential everywhere. So it’s time to get real: put yourselves out there and stop being such scaredy cats. The fellas aren’t going to do all the work ladies, it’s time we step it up. Here’s a fews tips to help you accomplish that…

Tip 1: Get over yourself. We are all guilty of spending nights pining over the over our portrayals of our dream guy, like Lucas in “One tree Hill” or Seth in “The OC”.  But here’s my advice to you and it’s simple: stop wasting your time. These unrealistic portrayals of what our “hero” should be lead us to think we are princesses, causing us to wait for a knight in shining armor to come to our window surrounded by candles and holding a bouquet of flowers. Let me put it this way: it’s not going to happen. We all know we deserve the best, but don’t let these fictional guys lead you wrong. We all want to be swept off our feet, but cut the guys a little slack. Instead of having such high standards to meet give him a little credit and be easy on him if he tries. Sometimes the smallest gestures mean the most.

Tip 2: Step AWAY from the girl pack.
We know you feel empowered when you’re out with your girl click, but unfortunately the Spice Girls era is over. Think of how intimidating it is for you to approach a guy surrounded by all of his bromance buddies. Can you say hypocrite? Now I’m not saying you should go out night and roam the streets alone (weirdo), but calming down the constant picture taking with your girl group and having drinks only with each other will go a long way.  No one wants to be shut down in front of a crowd, especially not in front of all your closest friends. So branch out and be the sexy, independent you. Besides, sticking with your girls too much may cause you to loose confidence in situations when you’re all alone, not to mention you risk blending together by looking and acting the exact the same. So be brave, break away from your group and approach him. Nothing is sexier to a guy then a girl who has the confidence to make the first move (smoothly, of course).

Tip 3: Get off the table, we can see your underwear. Yes, I love Team Meatball on “Jersey Shore” and sometimes, deep down I wish to be them. But do you remember how the rest of the gang acted in a recent episode when the “meatballs” were dancing around with their pikachus all over the place? They just starred at them. It was sort of embarrassing. Lucky for you, you’re not on national TV. However, if your at a party in front of friends and even people you don’t know, you might as well be. If you’re acting outrageous, you are throwing all chances of a guy approaching you—with good intentions, I might add—out the window. They will immediately get freaked out and will most likely will think you are too much to handle. I’m a party girl at heart, but ladies, get it together. There’s a point where making yourself look stupid not only pushes guys away, it causes them to loose respect for you. Needless to say, don’t be pulling a Deena anytime soon if you’re looking for Mr. Right. And if you do, for the love of God put underwear on.