As we head into holiday season now that Halloween has passed, it is time we start to talk about the best Holiday movies to watch as you snuggle up on the couch with some hot cocoa.
Luckily, this is my specialty. There is nothing I love more than the holidays and spending it in my coziest form, right on the couch.
Let’s jump right in.
Coming in at first: “Santa Claus 3: The Escape Claus”
Tim Allen rocks this character like it is his job (literally). With each of the three movie in this series, he seems to get better at making us believe Santa and his elves are hard at work all year long to bring us gifts on Christmas Day.
When choosing between all three movies in this series, I chose the third because I did not like when people didn’t believe Allen when he became Santa in the first movie. I also did not like how his own family, besides Charlie, turned on him.
The second movie is by far my least favorite. The Santa robot that took over the North Pole mad me mad and I wanted to punch a hole through my TV.
All happy endings in the third movie and I think that’s why it is my favorite to this day.
Coming in at second place is: “Christmas With the Kranks”
This movie is an absolute classic. There are so many Christmas movies that follow the same plot, have similar characters and all end in the same way. “Christmas With the Kranks” is the exception.
“Christmas With the Kranks” is unique with its storyline and has created a holiday hit that is relatable, heartwarming, funny and light hearted.
Again, Allen crushed this role. He makes you feel like your family might not be the only crazy one around the holidays.
Next in third place is: “Four Chirstmases”
This movie isn’t as well known as some of the others when we think of Christmas movies. However, with a very well known cast with names like Reese Witherspoon, Vince Vaughn, Tim McGraw and more, they make it one of my absolute favorites to watch whenever the weather starts to get colder.
As illustrated in the title, the main characters spend their Christmas going around to their families’ houses to celebrate Christmas. They wind up at four different families’ houses between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.
As each house is completely different from the one before, it allows for the characters to face challenges, hardships and find themselves in positions they never thought they would.
Again, it is not your traditional Christmas movie as it gives it the kind of all-year-long vibe with a sprinkle of Christmas.
Last in my ranking is “Elf”
How could this not be on my list? I feel like I don’t need to go into too much deal with this one as we have all probably seen it by now.
However, “Elf” is the ultimate Christmas movie that comes to mind when searching for the best classic holiday movies to put on your watch list.
From all ages, I have grown up watching this movie and will continue for generations beyond this. It defines the meaning of Christmas and the magic surrounding it.
It may be presumptuous to put together a list of the top Christmas movies as Halloween has barely passed. However once the clock strikes midnight and we enter November, it is officially Christmas season.
Here’s to finding more movies this season to add to the list. Happy celebrating!