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Ranking Every ‘Gossip Girl’ Thanksgiving Episode

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

For watchers of the hit 2007 TV show “Gossip Girl,” the Thanksgiving episodes are highly anticipated each season, typically filled with characteristic family drama and wicked schemes.

With the holiday rapidly approaching, here are my rankings, from worst to best, of the “Gossip Girl” Thanksgiving episodes from each season without any major plot spoilers.

Season 2

The Thanksgiving episodes of “Gossip Girl” are never bad, however, the season two plot for this episode is generally lackluster.

The second season’s Thanksgiving episode is simply missing the holiday charm that is present in the other seasons. Focusing more on the drama that had ensued previously between Nate and his father, Serena and her new beau Aaron, Jenny’s shortcomings and the implosion of Waldorf family tradition, we see less of a traditional dinner scene.

The characters go about their usual Upper East Side business, and while some great dialogue ensues, the overall subject matter is nothing particularly spectacular.

Season 4

While season four’s Thanksgiving episode is exciting and somewhat suspenseful, it barely focuses on the tradition of the autumnal holiday due to the precarious situation Serena has found herself in.

Serena’s closest confidants are unaware of the maniacal scheme they have walked into at the hands of an unsuspecting trio. The dramatic irony dripping from each scene also occasionally makes this episode uncomfortable, making you forget that it is supposed to be Thanksgiving in the “Gossip Girl” world.

Yes, this is a good episode of television based on plot and execution, though it is not fantastic for those looking to indulge in nostalgic Thanksgiving sentiments.

Season 6

The final “Gossip Girl” Thanksgiving special welcomes the return of some characters and the demise of the relationships between others, ranking third on this list.

The back-and-forth romance style the characters engage in can be frustrating when a favorite pair of characters is split (or reunited). The attention to exposing each other or breaking each other’s hearts takes away from the warm and fuzzy holiday feelings.

However, that doesn’t go to say that the “quippy” dialogue and awkward encounters aren’t enjoyable to watch, especially when waiting for the actions of your least favorite characters to catch up with them.

Season 1

Season one introduces watchers of the show to the characteristic holiday season drama that is consistent throughout the show, along with the delicious-looking food served in each household.

This episode presents many continuing themes and plot points, such as the Waldorf’s love for Thanksgiving, the past between Lily and Rufus, Dan and Serena’s relationship and Chuck and Blair’s unique romance.

The cozy togetherness of the characters while they overcome their inherent differences makes this episode not only enjoyable but an emblem of the Thanksgiving season.

Season 3

Without a doubt, the third season’s Thanksgiving episode with the iconic scene featuring Jason Derulo’s “Whatcha Say” is the best Thanksgiving episode throughout all six seasons of “Gossip Girl.”

This episode catches the characters in their web of secrets and lies, which had become so convoluted that a cataclysmic showdown was inevitable. The episode starts with a strong sense of family and community, which is soon broken down by assumptions and manipulation.

Taking place around the dinner table, each character gets trapped by another, forcing them to separate from the group in a series of dramatic walk-offs. Despite the intense nature of the episode, the familiarity of holiday bickering and family drama is almost comforting or relatable.

In recent years, this episode has also inspired a trend on TikTok where families imitate the classic dinner table scene and add their own family drama or inside jokes.

Even though season five skipped over the holiday drama, the Thanksgiving episodes are an integral part of “Gossip Girl” to expedite the drama and continue concealing the secrets that are bound to be exposed by Gossip Girl eventually.


My name is Ashlyn Kafer and I am a freshman at Penn State studying Digital & Print Journalism. I am from the Chicago suburbs and enjoy all things literature, music, and being creative!