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President of Ed2010: Anita Oh

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Name: Anita Oh

Year: Junior

Major: Journalism

Hometown: North Wales, PA


Anita Oh is involved with clubs on campus, keeps busy with internship after internship and has a great sense of style. She is in the Schreyer Honors College, Beauty Editor of Valley Magazine, the President of Ed2010, interned for J-14 magazine this past summer, previously on a Hospitality Committee for THON and was just chosen to intern for State College’s #1 Radio Station, B94.5! So, how does she keep up with school work, deadlines, and the hottest trends all at the same time? We caught up with Anita to find out!


HC: Is it hard to keep up with school work being so involved on Campus?
Anita: It definitely gets hectic and stressful at times, but it’s so worth it. My friends call me the lost roommate because I’m never home, but being involved in so many different activities is one of the most rewarding parts of my college experience. I wouldn’t have it any other way. 


HC: What is your favorite summer memory?
Anita: My entire summer was memorable because I got to spend it back in Stamford, Connecticut where I lived until I moved to Pennsylvania when I was 15. My heart just felt at home and I realized there will always be a piece of Stamford that I carry with me. I also loved catching up with old friends who I hadn’t seen for a while.


HC: What was it like interning with J-14 Magazine?
Anita: It was amazing. I learned so much about myself, my career and of course Justin Bieber. I got to see and be a part of the entire process of putting a magazine together, from interviews with celebrities to photography, graphic design and feature writing. It’s true that when you love what you do, you don’t have to work a day in your life. 


HC: What exactly is Ed2010? Do you have any events planned for the semester?
Anita: Ed2010 is a national organization for current and aspiring magazine journalists. It’s an awesome resource for anyone who wants to go into the industry. We have a lot of exciting things planned for Penn State’s chapter. We’re bringing in Kim Tranell, the health editor of Seventeen, this semester. We’re also hoping to plan a trip to New York City at the end of the year to shadow the editor of a major magazine. You can keep up with us on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ed2010psu) or Twitter (@ed2010psu) for more info! 


HC: What is your fashion philosophy?

Anita: Dress to impress. You never know who you’re going to run into. Personally, I live and breathe J.Crew catalogs — simple, classy and chic. I also like mixing and matching different prints and accessorizing.


HC: What do you plan to do after college? What’s your dream job?
Anita: I want to be the host of E! News or an anchor of a major news network. I know that means being in the spotlight, but instead of basking in it, I want to take that light and shine it onto causes I’m passionate about. I really want to start my own foundation that helps sick and underprivileged kids explore the world of communications. I just want to be happy no matter what I’m doing!