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Power Remix, Zumba and Washboard Abs: Everything you need to know about gym classes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

The beginning of a new semester brings with it a slew of “New Year’s resolutions.” These changes are the same every semester and include not hooking up with the jerk who only used you for your meal plan, getting a 4.0 GPA and the most sincere and constant resolution—keeping off and/or not gaining the 15 extra lbs. from all the late night snacking and one too many sugary weekend beverages.

These goals seem relatively easy to fulfill right? Wrong! These three goals are the same type of goals every semester for a reason–they are not maintained. I cannot help you with the jerk in your life—there’s a jerk in all of our lives and each circumstance is different. Realistically, they are not going away any time soon. Just keep telling yourself this semester will be different and keep a positive attitude. Redifer’s late night buffet will eventually lose its appeal.

I cannot get you a 4.0. Organization, time management and re-writing lecture notes will get you a 4.0. Academic successes are a balance with your life outside of the classroom. Write out and consistently reference your goals, don’t wait until the night before a midterm to start studying. The added stress will cause a facial break out and you won’t find yourself frantically emailing professors the week before finals searching for extra credit opportunities. As for keeping off those frisky and even harder to shed 15 lbs., I can help! Penn State has state-of-the-art exercise facilities at our fingertips. The Rec Hall and White Building facilities are used so frequently, the treadmills, elliptical machines, stair-steppers and bicycles are replaced every three-five years. Use of such facilities requires a student membership fee which totals $103.00 for the year or $54.00 for the semester.

The most attractive aspect of a student gym membership are the exercise classes. The White Building boasts over fifteen different classes taught each week throughout the semester. I spoke with a few girls in the White Building to inquire about these classes.

HC: Which exercise classes draw the biggest crowds?

Bianca Acquaviva: Definitely Power Remix and Zumba. In order to have a guaranteed spot in the class, girls start lining up 45 minutes before the class starts.

HC: What exercise class gives you the best workout?

Christie Morano: Calorie Killer or Kickboxing. You think kickboxing is going to be light and you can run on the treadmill after, but no, kickboxing kicks your butt!

HC: Which exercise class goes by the fastest?

Casey Shwartz: Zumba, because the music is upbeat, fun and everyone is so into it the whole time.

The entire Fall 2012 semester schedule can be found here. The classes offered include Butts and Gutts, Washboard Abs, Cycling and Fitness Yoga to name a few. There’s no excuse now that the gym is boring or there is nothing that fits your interest. With an abundant variety of classes, there is no reason those pesky 15 lbs. should be making their appearance on your physique this semester, even with a hyper-active social calendar. 

Maddie is a junior at Penn State pursuing a major in Public Relations with a minor in Business. She is from Timonium, MD. She loves all things pop culture and hopes to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.