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A Philanthropic Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.


Although I’ve always opted for a quiet spring break at home with my family, my roommate and best friend Kristen Gumpf went to Panama last year with Penn State’s Global Medical Brigades. Not only did she love her experience, but she became the medical coordinator for GMB this year and is now more involved than ever.

I got to talk with Kristen a little bit about her experience providing medical care to those in need in a different country. It was heartening to hear about such genuine, inspirational stories that occurred during a time normally associated with partying or relaxation. Below are a few of her things to consider when you’re going on your own alternative spring break trip.

1.      Look into the language before going to a different country.

It’s helpful to know some small key phrases and words that can help you understand the people better. For Kristen, it was best that she learned a few pieces of Spanish medical terminology before going away so she could better understand just exactly what the natives were trying to tell her.

2.      Be open minded.

Going to a new country or an underdeveloped area can be a bit shocking to see the way people live, their traditions, and their way of life. It helps to not count anything out and to be open to anything and everything that your new exploration has to offer, bugs and all.

3.      Embrace new friendships.

Not only did Kristen come back from Panama with a huge smile and an entire arm covered in some type of temporary tattoo (that actually lasted for two weeks after she got back) but she also had this whole new group of friends from GMB and pictures of the natives that she became close with. A big reason why Kristen loved her trip so much was because she got so close with the people that were on her trip, and it soon after led her to become the medical coordinator for GMB this year. It can make the experience so much more enjoyable to open yourself up to making new best friends for the week.

4.      Remember why you did this in the first place.

It can be really hard to embrace friendships and be open-minded when you’re sleeping in a room with 10 other people on small beds in a strange country. It’s important to remember why you came on the trip in the first place—to make a difference. Once you start to meet the people you’re helping and see the positive change you’re making in their lives, you won’t even notice the less-than-perfect sleeping arrangements.

Born and raised by two Nittany Lions, Rachel continued the tradition by attending Penn State University in the fall of 2009. Currently a senior journalism major, Rachel also spends her time minoring in both psychology and Spanish. During her sophomore year she wrote for the Greek newspaper at Penn State as a member of Alpha Xi Delta, followed by joining the Her Campus team as a writer and the Public Relations/Social Media Manager in the fall of her junior year. In search of mastering the Spanish language, Rachel indulged herself in the country of Spain for five months while she studied abroad in the city of Alicante during the spring of 2012. In order to keep her English up to par, Rachel blogged about her experiences for both her personal account and Her Campus at Penn State. With a love for shoes, smiles, and a good bowl of mac and cheese, this social media fiend never leaves her twitter by its lonesome. Follow Rachel @hayhayitsrayray as she pursues her dream as an aspiring magazine editor and world traveler.