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Personal Transformation: Study Abroad in Italy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

“The discovery of our true identity, could not be visible in our familiar world.”

That statement was written on the board in my Sociology class and my mind instantly reflected upon all of the incredible experiences I’ve had in this short time and how they’ve already transformed me into a new, refreshed version of the girl waiting anxiously in the airport five weeks ago.

After being on this whirlwind journey for just one month, I have already learned more about myself and the world around me than I have in my whole life.

Whether it be conquering the language barrier, experiencing people’s natural environments so different from our own, or physically seeing places that were only real in my dreams; I can honestly say that each and every day I have been here, I have never felt more free in my entire life.

I can’t help but get a small, natural high when I speak to a local or give my lunch order in Italian and get a response. Even the smallest conversation in the language with a local makes me feel so incredibly rewarded. I love walking through the streets of Florence and being approached about directions. Such small sentiments have made me feel so accomplished. The beauty and magnificence I see every single time I pass the Statue of David or The Duomo on my way to class never seem to wear off. When I walk through the streets, I literally feel as if I am walking through history. Being here has made me realize that whether from the past or present, there are so many stories and significant lives that have been led which we don’t even know about. They are happening around us every single day.

Everyone has a story, and this is mine…

The experience of living in a foreign country and being able to simply pick up and travel wherever you wish is more liberating than I ever imagined it to be. Not only do I feel more mature, but this experience has taught me, even more so, to not sweat the small things.

Why? Because, there is such a huge world out there.

Why else? Because you can find beauty and happiness in the smallest of things and places all around you everyday, sometimes where least expected. Since stepping foot in Italy, I have never held back. Things I would never do at home, I find myself going without any hesitation at all. In these fleeting four months—which feel like a living dream—each and every single moment counts, and it feels incredible to know you haven’t wasted even one. I feel so incredibly lucky and grateful to have this experience and I couldn’t have imagined my life without it. The best part is that I still have three months to go.

As St. Ignatius said, “Go forth and set the world on fire.” I feel as if the entire world is my playground, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.