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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

How do you feel about the stigma behind New Year’s Resolutions? Personally, I love being able to have a fresh start after a full year of change, choices and living life. The new year represents a new beginning for those who need it. I have always tried to hold myself accountable and make new year’s resolutions for as long as I can remember. 

These resolutions vary in importance and consist of realistic or major life goals. It is believed that when you are ready to write down your future and picture a vision of what you want your life to be, it will become reality.

This idea of bringing something into your life through attraction is called manifesting. Manifesting is another form of creating goals for yourself, but instead of simply hoping for these goals to come true, you are speaking them into existence to guarantee the chance of them occurring.  

I like to create vision boards to put these goals into a visual format. This helps me visualize the success and imagine the goals in my own reality, and the beginning of a new year is the perfect time to do this. Seeing your goals daily helps you believe in achieving these goals and makes the better version of yourself more tangible.

This can also be something that you split up into monthly goals. Each month, create a list of very specific goals that you can realistically accomplish in that time. This will help in the process of working to accomplish goals year-round. 

It is very easy to write out goals and say what you want to do for yourself but it is even harder to make those goals a reality. It takes hard work and determination to accomplish goals for yourself. I have been working toward some of the same goals for a very long time but it is still something that I push for myself to do. It is more important to just make it happen, no matter how that might be possible for yourself. 

Making this change does not just have to associate with the new year. It doesn’t need to be the first day of the new year to set goals. The new year is not the only time that people are allowed to set goals for themselves. There are 365 days in a year and each day counts. Make the choice to change for yourself whenever that may be. 

I encourage everyone to consistently make goals for themselves, no matter what time of the year it is. It is important to make goals and resolutions to help us grow as human beings. No one should ever stay the same. All goals are valuable and deserve recognition whenever they are accomplished. I am proud of changing myself each year to become a better version of myself.

I am a Junior at Penn State studying Public Relations with a minor in Digital Media Trends and Analytics. I love fashion, food, and anything beauty-related which can be found a common trend throughout my articles.