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My Favorite Places to Study at Penn State

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

I am very particular about where I spend my time studying, especially when I’m working for long stretches of time. I like places I can be for long periods of time without feeling stuck or claustrophobic.

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I’ve never liked studying at the library. I’m not a fan of complete silence when I’m studying. Plus, it gets very crowded during exam periods.

If you’re tired of the typical study locations, here are a few of my favorite spots on campus to get work done.

Bellisario Media Center

Conveniently located in the Willard building, the new Bellisario Media Center is insanely gorgeous, and it has become a recent favorite in my study space rotation. The center is huge, with multiple floors of tables, chairs, booths and more to get work done.

It is the perfect place to be when you have weird gaps in your schedule and you don’t know where to spend your time. It’s close to many academic buildings, and there is always plenty of room, even during the busier times of the day.

My favorite part about working here is that there are so many options to fit every person’s needs. Do you need a large desk area so that you can spread out? Or maybe you prefer working on the stairs at the HUB but don’t love the crowds? There are study rooms for a few people and long tables that fit many. Whatever you are looking for, the Bellisario Media Center probably has it.

Kern Graduate Building

I will admit, my relationship with this building is extremely love-hate. On one hand, during the spring semester, I had to walk here from the Health and Human Development Building (roughly 12 minutes uphill) in 15 minutes every Monday and Wednesday. This walk was the worst part of my week

However, I have come to appreciate this building the more time I spend in it. It’s never super busy, but the light ambient noise is the perfect middle ground between distractingly loud and distractingly quiet. There is plenty of seating, I haven’t had any issues finding a place to sit. And it starts to empty out around 6 p.m., creating an eerie, yet peaceful work environment that I have found myself very productive in

Oh, and did I mention there is a Panera in this building? That’s right, while you are grinding out your homework, you can be enjoying an actual meal, which rarely happens when I’m working. This building, though it is far from most things, is a hidden gem that I’m (mostly) glad is in my life.

Pollock Commons

Whenever I’m studying for long periods of time, I like to find places where I can stay and still get the things I need. One of the worst things is finding your groove while studying, only to start getting hungry, or finding that your water bottle is empty.

The great part about working in any of the residential areas is that you can take a study break at the dining hall, or grab a quick snack at the convenience stores. It’s important to remember to fuel your body when you’re doing work for long stretches, and sometimes it takes physical proximity to remind you to take a break.

I’m partial to Pollock Commons since it’s the closest to where I live. There are plenty of places to sit and work, and the back windows have a pretty great view of Beaver Stadium.


When the weather is nice, my favorite thing to do is take my backpack and find a place outside to study. Especially during the warmer months, spending time enjoying how beautiful Penn State is makes studying so much better.

One of the worst parts of studying for me is feeling stuck inside. Taking my studying outside makes me feel so refreshed, and it helps me enjoy whatever I’m working on.

There are plenty of tables scattered around campus, typically near or around buildings. One of the best examples is the patio outside the HUB. But if that’s too crowded for you, there are more hidden spots to find where you can get some peace and quiet.

Studying isn’t easy, but finding places you enjoy can make working feel easier. Good luck!

Emma is a junior from Randolph, New Jersey, double majoring in journalism and human development and family studies with a minor in addictions and recovery. When she's not writing you can find her watching "Big Brother," drinking Diet Coke or trying to explain internet drama to her dad.