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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Many Penn State ladies may think that there are not many eligible bachelors in State College. But, you are seriously mistaken. Take for example, senior Matt Andersen. He’s fun, loving, involved and always puts his friends and family first. Not only is Matt part of club lacrosse, but he is also on a mock-trial team, part of the snowboard club, and is responsible for creating State In the Real, a music website that features and profiles artists in State College. This campus catch may seem to have a jam-packed schedule, but he is always ready to party. Matt’s philosophy? Work hard and play hard. For a guy who is so thoroughly involved and committed around campus, can you blame him?

HC: What is something about you most people would be surprised to learn?
Matt: I don’t wear lacrosse pinnies to daylongs.

HC: Dating in college: opponent or proponent?
Matt: I would say both, but I’m definitely not opposed to dating, you never know when you will meet the right person.
HC: Describe your dream girl
Matt: First and foremost I like smart girls, that is key.  Next would have to be personality, I like girls who can make me laugh and keep a conversation going. Lastly, I like girls who are driven and want to make something of their lives.
HC: Fill in the blank: I would absolutely love it if a girl took me to _____ for a date.
Matt: Anywhere unique, I’m always down for a surprise.
What is the biggest mistake you find girls making time and time again?
Matt: Girls being untrusting. That can really pull a relationship apart.
HC: Worst pickup line you’re guilty of using
Matt: You’re so beautiful, you made me forget my pickup line.
Guilty pleasure?
Matt: Wouldn’t you like to know!
HC: What are your goals for the future?
Matt: My current goal is to get into law school next year and then become a big bad lawyer.
HC: Last but not least… Chipotle or Qdoba?
Matt: Penn State may disagree with me, but I am a Qdoba guy.