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Keeping Fit During the Winter You Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.


Lights are twinkling, snow is falling and carolers are singing. It’s the most wonderful time of the year… but not for your waistline. We can’t help it. A snowy outside winter wonderland and holiday movies galore are two views just too good to pass up from the couch. Cozying up with a blanket and big mug of hot chocolate: done deal. Year after year, we, our friends, and girls all around us complain about the annual winter weight gain. From Thanksgiving to New Years, heck, even Valentine’s Day, it’s the muffin top curse from the cold weather, rich holiday food and pure laziness. Unfortunately, when the holidays dwindle down spring break is right around the corner and you may be regretting the amount of Tollhouse cookies you ate from Santa this year. But what are the holidays without all of these festive treats? Her Campus is here to help with easy, small, daily habits that won’t by any means make you cut out your winter and holiday fun, but will simply allow you to maintain your figure while experiencing the joys of winter.

Work out videos (8 minute abs anyone?) Have no desire to leave your warm apartment or dorm when it is absolutely freezing outside? Neither do I. Luckily, with fun and simple work out tapes you can bring the gym to your room. Best part? The workout is all on you. For however long and whatever kind you want, just grab a couple of tapes fun fact: they’re super cheap through Amazon or Wal-Mart). If you’re really energized that day, have a cross fit tape on hand and if you’re up for a challenge, try the Insanity workout. If not, no worries. Relax and wind down with a yoga or Pilates workout. So what if it isn’t at the gym? Any workout counts. Especially if you have the willpower to do it in the winter, pat yourself on the back! We give you props.

Bring snacks to class When people hear “snack” they automatically think junk food. Not the case. People also tend to think that snacking during the day is bad for you. Most definitely not the case. In fact, it is often recommended that small (healthy) snacks throughout the day help in losing weight. Although it might be tempting to snack on the left over cookies you and your roommates made, ditch ‘em and take two minutes to chop up some strawberries or celery sticks to bring around with you for the day. Trail mix,  yogurt, bananas, apples, you name it. Doesn’t sounds too ideal, but I promise it isn’t so bad. It may seem kindergarten and old school to bring snacks with you throughout the day, but not only is it beneficial for your health, it’ll keep you fuller longer and allow you to resist on sweet treats later on in the day. Besides, save some cookies for Santa!

Hold the whip The classic Starbucks eggnog, cinnamon and crème brûlée lattes are a part of the winter we all know and love. How many of you instagramed the infamous red Starbucks holiday cup so far this season? Exactly. Any hot drink that warms the soul is a small treat and a staple of the winter we look forward to and enjoy. No reason to stop, just modify. Order your hot chocolates or lattes with skim milk and nonfat syrup if you can. And remember, hold the whipped cream.


Born and raised by two Nittany Lions, Rachel continued the tradition by attending Penn State University in the fall of 2009. Currently a senior journalism major, Rachel also spends her time minoring in both psychology and Spanish. During her sophomore year she wrote for the Greek newspaper at Penn State as a member of Alpha Xi Delta, followed by joining the Her Campus team as a writer and the Public Relations/Social Media Manager in the fall of her junior year. In search of mastering the Spanish language, Rachel indulged herself in the country of Spain for five months while she studied abroad in the city of Alicante during the spring of 2012. In order to keep her English up to par, Rachel blogged about her experiences for both her personal account and Her Campus at Penn State. With a love for shoes, smiles, and a good bowl of mac and cheese, this social media fiend never leaves her twitter by its lonesome. Follow Rachel @hayhayitsrayray as she pursues her dream as an aspiring magazine editor and world traveler.