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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

I am not a morning person. I love to sleep in and enjoy the comfort of a fluffy blanket. 


Rolling out of bed and logging onto my computer for my earliest classes at 11:15 a.m. or 12:05 p.m. is a luxury, but recently I have not felt this way. 


As a freshman, I have loved deciding when to wake up, whether it’s five minutes before class or two hours earlier. As I look back at high school, I can’t help but feel I was more productive when my mornings started earlier. 


Missing breakfast and laying in bed for hours was starting to get old. It’s time to get motivated and get productive. 


There are a few ways I’ve been trying to do that, and if you’ve been feeling unproductive, perhaps these can help you, too. 


Make Your Bed!

Her Campus Media

Making your bed may avoid any temptation you have to do school from bed or fall back to sleep. You should be comfortable where you are studying, but not too cozy. A nicely made bed is the first step to a day of productivity.


Wash Your Face!

Her Campus / Megan Charles
It’s time to kickstart your morning, so splash some cold water over your face and rub in your favorite face wash. You will feel energized and awake, ready to take on the day.


Eat Breakfast

Photo by Megan Ellis

Fuel your body with yummy breakfast essentials — eggs, bacon, fruit and a nice cup of coffee. As they say, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. So, get munching so you can stay focused, engaged and healthy. 


Go for a Jog or a Walk!

Staying active is an important part of being healthy. Fall weather makes for beautiful scenery, so go outside, feel the brisk morning air and get your blood flowing.


Take a Shower

Showers help bring a clean body and a clear, eager mind. Morning showers pair nicely with a morning walk or jog. It’s also a great wake-up routine, as you feel clean and refreshed for the day ahead.


Plan Your Day

weekly planner on a tablet

Make a to-do list with everything you need to accomplish that day, and maybe one for the week. I like to check off the boxes as I complete an assignment, as it makes me feel productive and accomplished. Set the tone for your day by completing some upcoming assignments so you can have more time to relax and catch up on sleep.


Get out of bed and start your day! There is no time like the present. Morning productivity never felt so good.


McHalea is a freshman at Penn State University majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Marketing. She is eager to learn and get involved, as she is also a member of Happy Valley Communications. She loves comedies and spending time with friends and family.
Arden Ericson will graduate Penn State in May of 2023. As one of the Campus Correspondents for Her Campus at PSU, she is a double-major in Public Relations and French Language. After graduation, she will pursue a career that combines her passion for educational equity, social justice and French.