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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

The holiday season is right around the corner and with that brings the highly anticipated act of the gift exchange. Although the holidays are not about the material things we give and receive, the stress of the expenses is always prominent. The hardest part is that you want to give everyone a unique thought out gift that meets your budget, and it always seems impossible. Here are some tips about how to shop frugally this holiday season to hopefully relieve some pre-holiday stress. 

Get Crafty

No one said homemade gifts were off limits. Parents are not the only ones who love receiving things made from the heart. Nothing makes me more happy than a gift someone spent time putting together.

Take to Pinterest and TikTok for some alternative options for gifts your friends and family would love. My favorite thing I have made in the past is a bedazzled bottle, full of course, that my best friend now has displayed in her apartment.

Even if it isn’t something as time consuming like a scrapbook or photo album, your friends will love any effort and dedication you put into their gift. 

Group gifts

Although personalized gifts are a very special part of the holiday season, getting something for a group that they can all enjoy is just as memorable. Plus, if you can get a couple of friends to chip in on it with you, the expense won’t be as high to give the perfect gift. 

The Gift of Experiences

As we get older, finding a specific thing to get a friend or significant other can be very challenging and even unnecessary.

What do you get the person who has everything? An experience.

Take them to the movies or on fun outings that can fit any price range. A trip to a museum or a picnic is such a unique and personal experience that can be fun for anyone of any age. The older we get, the less material goods we need. We all want to spend time with those we love. 

Shop the sales

In my opinion, being a smart shopper is the best part of the holiday season. With so many deals and discounts, you can’t help but spend money.

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are right around the corner. These two days are the best time to get some of your gifts out of the way while saving a couple bucks.

The best feeling in the world is getting the perfect gift for 50% off. Trust me, it is life changing.

Being strategic and looking out for the sales before they go public is the best way to be economical and get that holiday shopping done before the season even begins. 

Opt-out of Gift Giving

Even though gift giving is one of my personal favorite aspects of the holiday season, for some people, it is best to stick away from gifts all together.

The holiday season is about being with your family and friends and although it is fun to pick out the perfect gift, spending quality time is the best gift one can give.

Current Senior at PSU UP. I live right outside of DC in Bethesda, MD and I am on track to be an Advertising and Public Relations major with a minor in Business I love sitcoms, stand-up and spend my time hanging out with friends and traveling.