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How to Make Your College Apartment Feel Like Home

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Being in college means you are constantly moving, literally. From dorms, to apartments, to houses — sometimes it feels like I am living out of boxes.

After you finally sign that lease, you’re left with an empty beige mess. Decor can get really expensive, and who wants to spend all that time decorating to just move out in a few months.

Making a college apartment feel like home can be really hard. Creating a comfortable space in a tiny, cramped apartment is often discouraging. So, here are a few easy ways to make your college apartment feel just like home.

Bring the Outdoors, Indoors

First, something I love to do is always have fresh flowers on my kitchen table. Flowers can be expensive, but places like Trader Joe’s sell bouquets for pretty cheap. Having flowers in your apartment is a nice touch to liven up any space.

I am also a huge plant lover. Succulents are super easy to take care of, fairly cheap and they can liven up any space. I line my window sills with plants, which is a great way to decorate.

Hang tons of pictures

Something else that can create that warm, homey feel is a picture wall full of friends, family and home. There’s nothing better then looking around your apartment and seeing all of your favorite people and places.

Find all your favorite pictures and head down to CVS or Wallgreens to print them out.

Candles, Candles, Candles

My personal favorite apartment accessories are candles. Maybe there’s a candle your mom always lights at home, or seasonal scents that remind you of your favorite time of year. Regardless of which candle you choose to light, they can always make you feel at home.

Target has great dupes for more pricey candles. (If you love the Capri Blue Volcano candle, check out Sparkling Yuzu from Target).

If you live in a dorm, or a space that doesn’t allow candles, try oil diffusers or room sprays.

Make your space warm and cozy

Filling your space up with lots of blankets and pillows creates a warm, cozy feeling that you and your roommates can enjoy. After a long day of class, there’s nothing better than snuggling up on the couch with your favorite blanket.

I am a big fan of having a blanket for every time of the year. Target has ten dollar blankets that are super cute and cozy.

Surround yourself with the things you love

Lastly, it is important to fill your space with all your favorite things. Your favorite body wash in the shower, all your favorite perfumes or your favorite stuffed animal. It may seem simple, but filling your space with these things are sure to make you feel at home.

In only a few easy steps, you can turn your space into a comfortable sanctuary, a place to get away from all of the stress that comes with being a college student. Adding a few special touches to your apartment can put a smile on your face everyday.

Julia is a Junior at Penn State University studying Telecommunications and Media Industries with a minor in History, she is also Her Campus at PSU's Secretary! She loves all things trendy and pop culture, and hopes to work in the media industry in the future!