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Three Things To Do In Preparation For Spring

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Now that Valentine’s Day has passed and the sun is up later than 5 p.m., it means that we are nearing the end of winter. For some people, you might feel sad about the end of cozy season. Everyone loves an excuse to cuddle up by the fire and drink hot chocolate while watching movies.

Personally, as someone who doesn’t vibe with winter, I am ecstatic. The end of winter means no more walking through piles of snow and the end of it being dark outside when my 4:30 p.m. class gets out. It has felt like such a long winter and while I am beyond excited for spring. However, there are some end-of-winter activities that I need to check off my bucket list before spring can come. Some activities are just for fun and some I feel are a necessity before the temperature gets above 50 degrees. I thought I’d share what I do at the end of the winter to help me get ready for spring.

1. buy Valentine’s Day candy that is on sale

Ok, this isn’t a necessity, but this is something I take very seriously. I am slightly addicted to candy and so I consider the week after Valentine’s Day to be a very important week for me. During this post-love day week, I can get my favorite candies on sale.

If you are feeling down about the cold weather and looking for something sweet, I suggest that you bundle up and go to your local drug store and find the biggest bag of your favorite candy that you can find and buy it. I wouldn’t recommend eating it all in one sitting (I tried that once — the worst day of my life). But, I would recommend eating some of it every day and by the time the bag is gone, spring will be here. I did this last year and it taught me self-control and gave me something to look forward to.

2. wash your winter coat

We all have a winter coat, this is central Pennsylvania for goodness’ sake. You’ve probably worn it every day since November because it’s so cold outside. By the end of winter, I always notice that my jacket is gross and that I need to wash it, so I’ve turned it into a tradition. On the last day of February every year, I wash my winter jacket.

This way, I have a fresh, clean winter coat for the remaining cold days of March and it’s ready to be packed away for next winter. While I wouldn’t consider this to be “spring cleaning,” this is a great habit to start and is a chore that often gets overlooked.

3. start your spring shopping

Unfortunately, this action requires money, which I don’t often have a surplus of, but here we are anyway. Right before spring starts, I like to go through my wardrobe and see what my closet is lacking. Then, I wait for those spring sales to hit and I begin my shopping.

Spring is the season of rebirth and what’s better than revamping my closet? It’s something important to look forward to and a nice treat for yourself. I also like to donate any clothes that I don’t utilize as much as I should so that I can make room for and justify my new purchases.

With these three activities done, I feel as if I can really enjoy spring and what it brings. Even though I don’t like the winter, I will miss the beauty of falling snow and cancelled school days.

Happy beginning of spring, collegiettes!

Reese Bernstein is a senior at Penn State majoring in Psychology with a focus in business. She is from "right outside" of DC in Northern Virginia. Along with writing for Her Campus, Reese is a member of a sorority and occasionally goes to the gym when feeling motivated.