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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

As college students, our days can be chaotic, leaving nighttime to be one of the only times that we can relax. Most of the time, nighttime isn’t used as a time to relax by students because it is filled with homework, meetings or social gatherings, so most students just come home and hit the pillow or go on their phones for hours before sleeping.

While for some people those methods work, I have found that I need structure in place in order to fall asleep quickly and not spend hours on my phone or doing work right before I close my eyes. It’s taken some time but I’ve perfected the nighttime routine and I wanted to share some tips on how to make an effective nighttime pattern.

Go to bed around the same time every night

Yes, I know this one is hard because sometimes there’s homework to finish or TikToks to watch, but going to bed around the same time every night is important. Going to bed around the same time every night helps your body get into a routine and will actually help you wake up feeling more refreshed and ready to take on the day.

I would love to say that I go to bed around 11:30 p.m. every night but in reality, I go to bed around 12-12:30 a.m. every night and it works for me. Due to the fact that I have to wake up around eight every morning, this has really helped me get up for classes and I highly recommend going to bed around the same time every night.

Develop a skincare routine

I will not go to bed unless I’ve done my skincare routine because I think I’ve subconsciously linked my skincare routine to being tired. Our skin is so important and taking care of it is a necessity. I moisturize every night along with putting on acne cream because my skin is very prone to pimples.

By sticking to this routine not only am I taking care of my skin, I am also getting my mind to know that it’s bedtime which will help me fall asleep faster. Even if you don’t feel the need to have a skincare routine, find some ritual that you will do every night before you go to sleep so that way you’ll start getting some structure in your routine.

stay off your phone for at least 15 minutes before you go to sleep

This one I don’t always follow but I try my best. For years, we have been told that going on your phone before you go to bed can make it harder for you to fall asleep because of the bluelight associated with phone screens and brightness. Up until this year, I didn’t think that included me because I could go on my phone right up until I fell asleep, but this year, I have found that being on my phone right before I go to sleep has made it much harder for me to fall asleep.

That’s why I try and go off 15 minutes before I sleep and it has made it a lot easier for me to fall asleep. If you are someone who has trouble falling asleep, try staying off your phone before you go to sleep.

journal or read before you sleep

I have replaced being on my phone with journaling so that way I am not just lying there trying to fall asleep. Journaling gives me a chance to reflect on my day while tiring my mind so that I can easily fall asleep when I am done.

I used to read when I was younger to try and help myself fall asleep but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that I enjoy journaling more. I encourage everyone to give journaling or reading a try if they are looking for an activity to tire their mind before going to bed instead of going on their phone.

With these tips, I have been able to perfect my nighttime routine to the point where I fall asleep almost instantly when my head hits the pillow. Obviously, a nighttime routine varies for everyone so what works for me might not work for you but you’ll never know unless you give it a try. 

Happy sleeping, collegiettes! 

Reese Bernstein is a senior at Penn State majoring in Psychology with a focus in business. She is from "right outside" of DC in Northern Virginia. Along with writing for Her Campus, Reese is a member of a sorority and occasionally goes to the gym when feeling motivated.