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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

There’s no denying that fall is in full swing. Between the vibrant coloring of leaves, the picking of pumpkins and the transitioning of closets, autumn has officially made its presence known. And while fall brings about a refreshing essence of coolness, and an array of fun-filled activities, too often we disregard the beneficial effects of a summer mentality. 

Depending on the season or temperature, a person may become a new version of themself. For many, summer unravels a new persona, one that amplifies fearlessness and an ambition to be unapologetically yourself. A mentality in which you are excited to try expansive adventures and carry yourself with an internal lightness. 

As the seasons change, however, we become opposed to staying loyal to this mindset. Instead, we tuck it away and leave it in abandonment for nine months. Why wait to unlock such a profound sense of confidence? Why disregard such a feeling of ease once the weather shifts? 

And yes, while the vitamin D decreases and academic rigor imposes on our calendars, embodying your hot girl self shouldn’t be coveted to just three months a year. 

Through social media platforms and cinema, it’s been normalized that one’s peak occurs in the span of summer. Despite this, there are many ways to accent a main character liveliness in the cooler months. 

Investing the time to take chances and spice up your daily routine will channel the spontaneity of your summer self. Even if you aren’t physically in your summer state, mentally encapsulating such will allow you to carry yourself with a glow, to take on new opportunities and to engage in fresh relationships. 

Allowing yourself to try out new fashion looks and adapt a new style can be extremely reviving. Especially in the winter months, when the bitter temperature can deplete your energy, creating a new personal style can keep your day-to-day life upbeat and exciting. 

Don’t wait for the summer to grow your closet or dapple in more wild, vibrant coloring. Wearing clothing of uniqueness all year round allows for one to grow their own elements of creativity and expression. 

Moreover, you shouldn’t wait for the summer to allot time for immersive activities, nor should you think that such exploration is only justifiable in those months. 

Whether it’s something as simple as learning to crochet, or as engaging as taking a theatre class, playing around with new activities can bring a freshness to your life that welcomes in new knowledge and relationships. 

Holding a willingness to put yourself in a place of vulnerability to gain a new experience is scary, but equally freeing. Every day you can look to change your routine by picking up innovative interests and skills.

It is important, as one does in the summer, to manifest flourishing energy. In doing so, you will allow yourself the space to meet others and kickstart new relationships. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, and don’t be apologetic towards keeping your peace and taking the time to work on yourself. 

More than anything, holding on tight to a summer mentality means staying true to oneself and allowing for internal enlightenment to ignite. To prosper in this way, dappling in self-love activities such as journaling or meditation can be extremely beneficial. Don’t burn yourself out and rely on summer to recharge you, instead carry summer with you and hold it close. 

This does not mean that you need to indulge in extravagant vacations or be careless with your obligations, but instead to go through life, no matter the season, with confidence and fearlessness. 

Holding onto a summer mentality can alter how you carry yourself throughout the year, and how you perceive the challenges that come your way. Don’t gate-keep the best version of yourself until the summer, change the narrative, and embrace the self-actualizing mindset – even when the beach is no longer an option. 

Brooke is a first-year student at Penn State University studying Public Relations with a minor in Digital Media Trends + Analytics. When not writing for Her Campus @ PSU, she is always down for a beach excursion, afternoon picnic, or thrift trip! Beyond such she’s a musical girl at heart, classic rock and disco are her ultimate favorites :) Constantly looking to radiate positivity, Brooke loves to be involved in her community & school. She is an avid advocate for Mental Health and pushes to bring about such awareness through the power of writing. As a panelist of Her Campus, she anticipates making memories and forming longlasting bonds with this wonderful group. She hopes her pieces prove to be a safe space for all to feel welcomed, loved, and freed to share a smile :)