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Her Story: How I Made School My Soulmate After Being Dumped

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Truth be told, I don’t know if I believe in soulmates. I don’t know if I’ve met mine or if I’ll ever meet mine. What I do know is that I found a boy who I let into my life more than anyone just to watch him walk out without warning.           

I’m going to be blunt – I got dumped. It sucked. It hurt, and it’s still something I’m dealing with. This was a boy that I thought I was going to spend all of college with. I started picturing a future and making plans about where we were going after we graduated. He was my absolute best friend and confidant, and I couldn’t have asked for a better boyfriend. Well, at least until the end.       

It wasn’t until recently that I had a reality check. Yes, you are told that you may find your future spouse while at college, but that’s not the reason you’re here. College is the jumpstart to your future. I know many of us enjoy the other aspects, but that truly is what we’re here for.        

Many of us come to college not even knowing what we want to do in life, and that’s okay. This is the time for you to figure out what you want and try new things. College is where you learn where you want to go and if you think you’ll be happy there.      

I can honestly say it makes me so happy to see my friends excited about what they’re learning and watching alumni come back for a weekend saying how they love their jobs – it makes me thrilled to enter the real world. But the way they got there was by focusing on what truly mattered.

I fell into the trap of getting caught up with a boy and letting school fall to the wayside. I wouldn’t pay attention, occasionally skipped class and constantly procrastinated simply because I mixed up my priorities.

Think about it. Your parents are paying thousands of dollars each year – school should be the number one thing to dedicate yourself to. I’m not saying you should always focus on that but realize that’s why you’re at college.

So, to all my girls going through heartache, stop thinking about the person that broke your heart and get back to what really matters. Find your passion in something you truly want to make a future of. I know that it’s wonderful to have a person by your side cheering you on and boosting you up, but we can’t always get what we want. The right person for you will come along eventually, but we only have four short years to make it out with something that will hopefully make us happier in the end.

To the guy that broke my heart, honestly, thank you. You were everything I needed, and now you have become a guide back to reality. So, maybe I didn’t get my soulmate, but I got an internship that I love and a career path that I’m crazy about. Truly, that’s where my heart is now. I’ll find Mr. Right later. Besides, I’m only 21. I got time.


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