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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Hello, Lady Lions!

I speak on behalf of the entire Her Campus Penn State team when I say that you cannot believe how much we missed you (and hope you missed us)! The magazine is a passion for each of us, and we all consider ourselves lucky to be a part of it. A new year means change, and this means a new Her Campus Penn State! So, what exactly have we changed?

Unfortunately, our previous Campus Correspondent, Jen, had to step down; while this was really disappointing, I could not have been more flattered or excited when she asked me to take her place! As the new CC, I added on to what was already a fabulous team to create what I consider a super-team of sorts. In addition to our writing staff, a new division of the team was created – the publicity team! They’re an amazing  group of smart, savvy and sexy girls who I know will do an amazing job. 

To celebrate our relaunch, I thought it would be a good idea to introduce the team to Penn State, HC, and the world! So, without further ado I present (most of) the Her Campus Penn State Team!

Danna O’Rourke: Campus Correspondent, President

Danna is  junior majoring in International Politics and English. On top of being an ambitious student and Campus Correspondent, she is also interning at the International Center for the Study of Terrorism; as a result, she doesn’t have all that much free time. However, Danna describes this as being a “good problem,” in that she loves doing and being all three! Danna is recently the proud mama of Ruby, a beagle she adopted from the local shelter. Overly outgoing and not afraid to say what others are thinking, this CC loves going out as much as she does staying in (especially with her HCPSU girls!). She’s a proud New Yorker, a fast-talker, and an ambitious girl – her career goal is to change the world. We think she may just be crazy enough to do it…

Kelsey Lester: Vice President

Kelsey is a junior pursuing a major in journalism with a minor in African studies.  Writing is a passion of hers and she loves having the ability to share life experiences and dilemmas, whether the stories she tells be her own or someone else’s, with all those who read her articles.  She has a fun and feisty personality and also a loud, vivacious laugh which can be triggered by even the silliest knock-knock jokes.  Her favorite things include the Yankees, Dunkin’ Donuts coffee and dark chocolate.

 Delilah Agho-Otoghile: Head of Student Outreach

Delilah Agho-Otoghile is a Houston Texas native who proudly reps the south all day every day, yet she bleeds blue and white just as much as any other die hard PSU fan. Having interned for four Texas politicians and being a political science major, Delilah aspires to one day excel in politics after hopefully working for Teach for America. Until then, she just wants to make the most of her next three years at Penn State. Despite being that girl who’s obsessed with makeup, nail polish, the color purple, and perfectly shaped eyebrows, Delilah lives for competition, as she can’t go too long without being able to hit a soccer field or a volleyball court. She also can’t go too long without utilizing her amazing culinary talents. Being that carefree girl who has been told that she laughs a bit too much, there is nothing that Delilah loves more than being able to make others laugh with her.

Erika Gershowitz

Erika is a junior at Penn State majoring in Public Relations and a minor in Business and Liberal Arts. She was born and raised on Long Island, NY. Erika is a member of the sorority Alpha Sigma Alpha, where she spent one full term as Vice President of PR and Recruitment for her chapter. She has had several internships in publicity, event planning and production. Erika is graduating in December 2011 and hopes to find herself working in PR, eventually. Erika has just recently gotten involved in Her Campus, responsible for planning campus events. When Erika’s not busy with schoolwork, she enjoys being goofy with friends, reading gossip magazines, playing with her dogs, and working out.

Noelle Mateer: Contributing Writer

Unlike most freshmen, who are venturing to college towns for the first time, Noelle is an expert in all things State College. That’s because this girl is a townie, through and through—she can tell you the best places to eat, shop, or just hang out in our beautiful Happy Valley. Still, don’t let that fact fool you—this girl is no homebody. Her top three goals in life are to travel, to travel, and to travel, and she plans on spending her entire junior year abroad (location yet-to-be determined, let her know if you have suggestions, please!). Apart from poring over travel mags and guidebooks, Noelle loves grocery shopping at Wegmans, ogling designer bags, and watching cheesy romantic comedies with predictable endings. She hopes to one day be proficient in both French and Arabic, and more importantly, fall in love with a dashing European man. Wish her luck!

Bernadette Laspee, Contributing Writer 

Bernadette is a senior majoring in print journalism and minoring in both business and the liberal arts and psychology. She has always had a passion for writing and photography – and she’s quite good! She also loves cooking, running, dancing, & yoga. Her family and friends mean the world to her as well as her little Pekingese puppy, Ginger. If her best friend was to describe her in three words they would be: adventurous, smart, & very ambitious!