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Guys, grades, success: How to GET WHAT YOU WANT (without any shame)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

You’re working decently hard in school. You go out on the weekends and have a good time. You’re still pining over that guy from your economics class that you look forward to bumping into every now and then, including at the bar. Sure this calls for a fun, yet ordinary semester, but in college there is so little precious time you can’t get back. Turn it around — get out there and make it count, without looking back.

Use these tips to turn your year from absolutely average to simply stellar. Why? Because you rock and you deserve it.

Do you know what you want? Good. Let that be your priority and don’t forget it. The most important aspect of getting what you want is having goals. Without specific goals, how will you know how to make the journey? Or when you’ve actually achieved your goals? Whether it’s something as small as finally chatting up that guy from your 8 a.m. (do I see a study session in the near future?) or as big as becoming president of UPUA, you CAN do it — but you have to be in it to win it, ladies. Corny expression, but no one got anywhere by lying around watching soaps all day.

Balance. Being successful, fulfilled and happy is all about balance. Did your mom ever tell you not to put all of your eggs in one basket? She knows what she’s talking about. Putting all your focus toward your love life may cause you to be slacking in the school department, blowing off your friends and neglecting your other involvements. When you become the new bad-ass chick you know you can be, everyone will want a piece of you! Putting all your energy and time into one facet of your life will cause lack of investment in other aspects that are just as important. Besides, personal success and achievement arise from many angles of your life, not just one.

Go after it. Only you are in charge of your own life. Why cruise along in the passenger seat? Take the wheel. You want to make dean’s list? Study your butt off. President of your club? Put the effort in, show you care and work your way up there. You can get want you want in the many aspects you choose, you just have to get out there and chase it. Give it hell. You worked hard and deserve the rewards, so who is anyone else to judge? After celebrating the “A” you got on your final, or that date with the cute guy from class, the haters will surely be the last thing on your mind.


Maddie is a junior at Penn State pursuing a major in Public Relations with a minor in Business. She is from Timonium, MD. She loves all things pop culture and hopes to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.