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Eight Easy Goals To Set For Spring

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

Spring has finally sprung and it’s the perfect time to make some goals for yourself. Maybe you lost motivation for your New Year’s resolutions or you want some new challenges to complete, either way here are some goals to consider.

Read one book a month

Reading has some great benefits to it such as strengthening vocabulary and relieving stress. It’s something people of all ages can do and benefits everyone. It could be an educational book or just one for leisure reading, but either way this is a great goal to have if you want to find your way back into reading.

Create a Morning Routine

This is something I’ve tried to do, but have struggled with constantly. Something I’ve learned is that there should be minimal steps to your morning routine. Maybe it’s simply just waking up, making your bed and brushing your teeth. Once you achieve these steps, you can build more onto it, but the more steps to be done right as you wake up, the less you’ll want to complete it. Trust me, I’ve tried having a super long morning routine, it doesn’t work and leaves me feeling unmotivated. That being said, morning routines are a great way to start the day and get you active and ready, so don’t be afraid to make one!

Drink More Water

Drinking lots of water has amazing benefits for our bodies. Personally, I’ve found that when I drink three liters to a gallon of water per day, my skin starts to clear up and I get shorter periods. If that doesn’t entice you right away, there are other benefits from hydration including a higher efficiency of nutrients and oxygen transportation to cells, flushing bacteria from the bladder and protection of organs and tissues.

Volunteer Once a Month

You can never go wrong with taking the time to volunteer somewhere every once in a while. You could volunteer for an animal shelter, a women’s shelter or even start donating some products that might be needed in your community. There’s no better feeling than knowing you are helping those in need. 

Workout Three to Five Days a Week

Some days it seems hard to join the train of working out when everyone else seems to have already started, but it’s okay. We all start somewhere and if you haven’t started working out but want to, now is as great a time as any. Some benefits of working out that are listed by the CDC are a reduction of anxiety, sleep improvement and bone strength. We can start or restart our workout journeys together.


They call it spring cleaning for a reason. This is the perfect time to start going through your things and deciding what you don’t need anymore. Decluttering helps to keep things clean and make room for better things to come.

Wake Up Earlier

Personally, I love waking up early. It makes me feel like I have more time in the day and allows me to get things done. Some benefits to waking up early include having more time to yourself, healthier skin and improvement with concentration.

Do Homework ahead of time

This is a tough one. It’s so easy to push things to the side and not worry about them until they are due, but it’s much better to get things done as soon as possible. Procrastinating on assignments can easily lead to turning things in late or just getting a zero. Putting a goal to get work done early can lead to better grades and more time to do whatever you want later.

Arianna is currently a second year student at Penn State University from Massachusetts. In her free time she likes to listen to music, read, and watch the same three shows over and over again.