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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.


Name: Gabe Cohen

Hometown: Blue Bell, Pa.

Year: Sophomore

Major: Media Studies: TV/Film

Meet this week’s campus cutie, Gabe Cohen. When he’s not hanging out and planning socials for his brothers of Sigma Alpha Mu, you can find him playing tennis or soccer. Gabe loves HBO, Leonardo DiCaprio, and having a good time. We asked him a few questions to find out a little more about the real GCo. 

HC: What do you look for in a girl?

Gabe: Great personality, outgoing, nice eyes, likes to have fun, easy to talk to, beautiful smile, and likes to laugh. 

HC: What is your ideal date for Valentine’s Day?

Gabe: A romantic walk on the beach followed by dinner under the stars overlooking the water. 

HC: What is your go to pick up line?

Gabe: Do you have a map because I’m lost in your eyes. 

HC: Who is your celebrity crush?

Gabe: Mila Kunis, Natalie Portman, and Olivia Wilde

HC: What is your pet peeve or turn off?

Gabe: Loud chewing.

HC: What is your dream job?

Gabe: Working for a big time production company. I’d love to work on a TV show for HBO or Showtime. 

HC: What do girls most like about you?

Gabe: I have a good attitude when it comes to meeting new people and I am a good time. I’m also very outgoing and social. I think I am easy to talk to which makes girls feel comfortable around me. 

HC: What are your favorite movies and TV shows?

Gabe: Anchorman, I Love You Man, The Departed, Pulp Fiction, Django Unchained, Skyfall, Fight Club, Avatar, Boardwalk Empire, Suits, Workaholics, Entourage, Weeds, The Wire, Seinfeld, Homeland, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation, Modern Family (as you can tell I love movies and TV, hence my major).

HC: If you were on a deserted island what would be the three things you’d take with you?

Gabe: Mila Kunis, The Great Gatsby, and Banana Boat SPF 30. 

HC: What is your favorite Penn State memory and why?

Gabe: ∑AMstock. It’s my fraternities annual daylong and it was the best day of my life. I was with all my best friends at the house in the “pit.”

Melissa Heffler is currently a Sophomore at Penn State University majoring in Broadcast Journalism. She writes entertainment news and fashion trends for several websites. She enjoys anything that has to do with celebrities, television, music, film, and fashion and in the future looks forward to a career in multimedia journalism. Melissa is thrilled to be apart of the HerCampus PSU team!
Born and raised by two Nittany Lions, Rachel continued the tradition by attending Penn State University in the fall of 2009. Currently a senior journalism major, Rachel also spends her time minoring in both psychology and Spanish. During her sophomore year she wrote for the Greek newspaper at Penn State as a member of Alpha Xi Delta, followed by joining the Her Campus team as a writer and the Public Relations/Social Media Manager in the fall of her junior year. In search of mastering the Spanish language, Rachel indulged herself in the country of Spain for five months while she studied abroad in the city of Alicante during the spring of 2012. In order to keep her English up to par, Rachel blogged about her experiences for both her personal account and Her Campus at Penn State. With a love for shoes, smiles, and a good bowl of mac and cheese, this social media fiend never leaves her twitter by its lonesome. Follow Rachel @hayhayitsrayray as she pursues her dream as an aspiring magazine editor and world traveler.