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Footloose: Movie Review

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

It’s true, I’m a sucker for classic musicals. And dance movies…but who isn’t? Going into this remake, I’ll admit, I had high expectations. Gladly I can say the movie exceeded them all. With tons of fun, high energy and a classic love story combined, it was almost inevitable for the movie to be irresistible. When you find yourself uncontrollably moving to the beat and dancing around in the theater and not wanting the movie to end, you know it was a good one. I dare you to watch this film and resist the temptation to get up and dance.

Not only will this fun-spirited film get you on your dancing feet, it’ll leave you with a feel-good vibe. The only aspect of the movie I will warn you about is taking Dennis Quaid seriously… but that’s a whole other story in itself.

Here are some of the things I loved:

A Modern Spin
Among some moves and themes from the original, a modern twist was refreshing and allowed our generation to relate. The combination of both worlds definitely created a spark. I loved seeing dancing from the original—which was in 1984—fused with today’s,  which is a little bit of bump and grind.

The Southern Feel
Creating a hybrid of both worlds kept me engaged. I loved seeing the familiar incorporated with the new. Although I was familiar with the original setting, I was still kept on my toes and didn’t quite know what to expect of the spins that would be taking place.

I loved how pokes and jabs were made at how redneck the small Georgia town of Bomont is. I love how they wear beat up jeans, plaid shirts and cowboy boots. Original or remake, it wouldn’t have been “Footloose” without them.

And, how could I forget the line dance during the bar scene? I love, love, loved it. It was old school, it was fun and the sexual tension between Ariel and Ren during this scene almost burst the movie screen.

Kenny Wormald
Picture a 1984 Kevin Bacon, but hotter. It’s true Collegiettes, I wouldn’t lie to you about that sort of thing. And his dimples? Wow. Another reason to be extremely jealous of Julianne Hough.

Both are convincingly good actors by the way.

Rusty and Willard
They still have the same magic, add comic relief and are just gosh darn adorable. Enough said.

Numbers that Kept the Original Alive
“Footloose,” check.  “Let’s hear it for the boy,” check. “Holding out for a hero,” check.  “Almost paradise,” check.

You can’t have “Footloose” without these classics, and I loved the way the movie incorporated them. Also, the cast didn’t need to bust out in musical song and dance for them. Most of the time the songs from the original movie were just played in the background, but I was happy to hear and recognize them.

Also, not every song was used, allowing the remake to reflect it’s originality without being predictable. It was the perfect combination. Even though the corny screaming of Ren’s “LET’S DANCE!” in the maroon tuxedo with confetti all around happened exactly the same as Kevin Bacon’s, it was cute and I loved it.

After my friends and I saw this movie, we wanted to watch it again. And dance around… a lot. Needless to say it was definitely a successful remake. So get your butts up, see the movie and get dancin’.