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Five Best Ways To Get Into Holiday Spirit On Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at PSU chapter.

It’s a challenge to get into the holidays spirit this year, especially when you factor in the first round of finals for the school year. Here are the five ways I’ll be getting into the holiday spirit these next three weeks, even with the massive amount of stress piling up.

1) Get a holiday Starbucks drink 

This is a great excuse to treat yourself in a festive way. There are so many different flavors, so there has to be one that speaks to you.

I got a white hot chocolate and it was my first hot chocolate in at least ten years. I forgot how hot hot chocolate was, and burned my tongue. So major tip — take off the lid, be patient, and let it cool!

2) Eat peppermint flavored candy

Peppermint is a major wintertime flavor, and if you like the flavor, then this is the time to really enjoy it. I bought an absurd amount of peppermint candy when I was home for Thanksgiving break, but it’s fine because I plan on conditioning my brain to make me enjoy studying by rewarding myself with yummy candy. I’m going to hope I can pull a Pavlov’s dog conditioning act on myself.

3)Buy Presents for friends

Nothing makes me feel better than buying presents for others. It’s so sweet to see something and recognize that it reminds you of a friend, or even taking the time to look for a present for a specific person. I brought my roommate her favorite candy after my last Target run, and she really appreciated it, especially because it was a surprise.

4) Change Your Playlist

It’s time to say goodbye to Taylor Swift and Adele’s sad girl fall albums and hello to Christmas music. Music is the background noise of our lives, and I’ve noticed that the playlist I choose has a direct impact on my moods. As soon as December hits, I’m saying bye to Taylor Swift and hello to the Christmas Classics playlist on Spotify because that’s the kind of music that played in my house growing up.

5) Adapt Holiday Traditions for college

I have a tree in my room, stocking outside my door, and matching Christmas pajama pants with my roommate, all things that scream home for the holidays to me. I eat a piece of chocolate every day, kind of like my own advent calendar. Sure, these are adaptations to my traditions, but college is all about learning how to adapt. The only goal in mind is to make you happier. If you’re happier, you’re more productive, and that’s definitely needed right now.

Holiday seasons away from home can feel kind of weird, but there’s no reason college can’t feel more like home — even in times of massive stress. 

Madeline (she/her) is a second-year at Penn State studying Psychology and Labor and Human Resources from Bangor, Pennsylvania. In her spare time, she’s either reading or taking photos.